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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I love Karma's nipples. I could hang my coat on them.
  2. These girls blowing up their lips is the dumbest thing ever. They look fine without it.
  3. What did he say to make that happen? I have said some pretty bad shit on here.
  4. I clicked on this shit for a minute. That was enough for me.😒
  5. At least both of these girls showered with the light on, unlike what Tonya did at the beginning.
  6. And another one with big 💋. Wtf is wrong with these girls? It looks retarded.
  7. Oh, that's a tough one. None in the B apartments. Elli or Barbie.
  8. Tonya didn't earn her keep in the master bedroom. That room is for girls that actually do something.
  9. I think they are too inflated for my liking. These girls that do that to themselves probably looked better before. I don't know what they are thinking when they do it.
  10. At least Tonya is out of the room that she didn't deserve.
  11. Call me weird, but I have a problem with her ridiculous blown up lips. So much that I can't even watch her bate.
  12. But you get what I'm saying. I don't watch the actual thing happening, I watch "popular cams now". That's what I comment on.
  13. WTF happened to my comment to cupid30? You must have realized that you said something stupid. I watch the popular cameras now, and that's it.
  14. Why is this weirdo wanna be girl with a cock top cam? Bunch of fucked up people watching this bullshit. 😒
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