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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Historic moment for Gina. She will regret it in the morning, but we got it.
  2. Gina seems real and doesn't make those fake porn ooohs and ahhhs.
  3. Once again Curly trying, but Gina wants to sleep. Same old shit.
  4. Curly cleaning the coke residue out his nose in the bathroom.
  5. That sucks. Mine did that for about 15 minutes. It's been fine since. Just trying to update people that can't watch now.
  6. 3:45 and no nudity or stupid shows.....Amazing.
  7. I'm in Mass. I don't know what server I'm working off of.
  8. Now mine is working fine. Maybe too many people trying to watch the same thing I'm watching.
  9. I'm done now. I tried to switch from the living room to the balcony. Now nothing but 502 Bad Gateway.🤬
  10. He has no problem fucking in front of a camera. So I would say it was Gina's choice to hide it.
  11. It's funny when Ginger looks in and says " Oh, excuse me". It was right before that you could even hear Gina going "oh, oh, oh, oh".
  12. I see Mimi finally got off her phone and joined the party.😒
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