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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I think you better look closer and turn up your volume. You're not going prove me wrong this time.😏
  2. Sergio, I wouldn't call that a near masturbation. That was masturbation, and a very good one for her first time on camera.
  3. I have replay at home, so I just wait until get home to watch the good things from the day.
  4. I'm at work and I like that you post what's going there. I don't have RLC on my phone. Keep doing what you're doing, thanks.
  5. Sorry, I'm at work and I don't get much time on my phone. If I was home on the computer I might have done it.😏
  6. I can't be bothered. I'm sure it wasn't that important.
  7. How can Mimi sitting in a tub of water staring at her phone be the top camera?
  8. It's about time. Her room must have smelled like a fish market.
  9. Just like they laughed at me when I mentioned Malia masturbating. These loyal Leora and Malia followers said it would never happen. Well, the jokes on them.
  10. The last time Mimi took a bath or showered was April 17th. She must smell really good.
  11. At 23:30:25 Assol clearly bated under the blankets for 3 minutes until she had a small orgasm..
  12. Dude, pretty sure you are one of the few people that love Ginger. I never see any good comments about her.
  13. Watching reply.....they are going at it with Mimi laying next to them on her phone. This is so real.😏
  14. Mimi just tried to do a shot of Absolut and spit it back out......she must be full!
  15. And I am the same way. I never hide my opinion of any of the girls and some people get butthurt over it. All I can say is too bad.😉
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