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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Some of these girls really confuse me. Diane gets her own room and she bates under the blanket last night. (2:53)
  2. I have just seen what you are talking about. The young people in Florida are ignoring this for spring break. https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/03/18/spring-breakers-ignore-coronavirus-precautions-if-i-get-corona-i-get-corona/
  3. The look on A and A's faces when Olya pulled the vibrator out of her bag was priceless. Are these 2 really that much of a prude?
  4. Really? Do you live in the USA? I can't even get toilet paper in the store because of this bullshit.
  5. Babi's ass looks so nice as she sleeps. She has a different look than the other girls. I hope she does something I like on here soon.😏
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