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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I have just seen what you are talking about. The young people in Florida are ignoring this for spring break. https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/03/18/spring-breakers-ignore-coronavirus-precautions-if-i-get-corona-i-get-corona/
  2. The look on A and A's faces when Olya pulled the vibrator out of her bag was priceless. Are these 2 really that much of a prude?
  3. Really? Do you live in the USA? I can't even get toilet paper in the store because of this bullshit.
  4. Babi's ass looks so nice as she sleeps. She has a different look than the other girls. I hope she does something I like on here soon.😏
  5. I'm glad she used that bathroom and not the one with no sound.
  6. I'm glad you said something. I thought she was just showering. Maybe she didn't do a full bate earlier.
  7. I don't know why they put Kapitolina in that room. She does nothing but scratch her head.
  8. It's things like this that really piss me off. Maybe someone can ask her to do it again later. 😉
  9. So remind me again why A&A are in the master bedroom and Kapitolina is in the big bedroom. They don't do shit and we are stuck with them for awhile. 😡
  10. I would go with number 1. She won't even bate on the couch now.
  11. She wasn't fully clothed. But she has done a bate fully clothed on the bed. Think what you want, but you can't fool me.
  12. You are right, that time she did. Do you really think she took a 10 minute shit? She did it at least 2 times last night. This is a girl that likes to bate and she isn't doing in the bedroom.
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