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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. 🤣Wtf are you talking about? Leora just puts a show on every night. Malia teases everyone every day. All I am saying is that Malia needs to touch that pussy, not just show it. Enjoy watching the same show from Leora that has been going on for too many years.🙄
  2. Funny how a girl does a bate after 2 days and this slug Malia does nothing in a month and a half.
  3. Yes, I remember her in Russia. She has to shower or bath sooner or later.😄
  4. These 2 do nothings that sit on their bed and stare at their phone all day need to go. And the 2 vampires.....they should have never been here at all.
  5. I never really watched Kylie before, but I am really liking her now.
  6. Probably because her boob job is terrible just like her blown up lips.
  7. I always thought she was one of the best looking girls on RLC.
  8. She did a little rubbing in the tub earlier. I hope to see a full bate.
  9. Who goes to sleep with their pants on? Oh, nevermind. I forgot this is real life.
  10. So if we aren't fooled by these two, we have a little dick. That's real smart thinking.🤣
  11. Malia....Queen of the teasers. Leora....Queen of the fakers.🙄
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