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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. These 2 new girls never turn their lights on. I guess they really think we can't see them.
  2. Guest girl showers in the tub and does a big fart before she gets out......Priceless!
  3. I don't why Joy will fuck that guy in the open, but will not bate on camera. We know she is very sexual. And Kapitolina, that's a fucking mystery.
  4. It was good to see Joy do something that gave her an orgasm, because she refuses to bate.
  5. Actually you can be funny, jugghead. I'll leave you guys alone now.
  6. As you can see I have been on here much longer than you and I am not going anywhere. Just stating my opinion and I'm sorry that it hurts you.
  7. Leora has been on here way too long. Time to get a new tenant.
  8. Who said anything about closing the apartment? Just get rid of the do nothings.
  9. I will go to every apartment and voice my opinion like this forum is meant for.
  10. I have seen Leora bate 100 times. Malia needs to bate or get out of here. Who wants to see a teaser? Not me. RLC is about doing something, not doing nothing.
  11. Are you kidding me? She got fucked 3 times on here by him. And open, not hidden.
  12. Joy only does something when she is with a guy and Kapitalina does nothing. Almost as bad as the last 2 girls in that room.
  13. I knew only Ginger and Tina would do anything. The others are just here for the ride.
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