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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Maybe it got missed. I said before that Kapitolina had not showered since February 27th. Isn't that a bit strange?
  2. That's funny, Cherry, Holly and Evelyn had no problem doing it. You really do try to defend RLC.
  3. We will never know, but it seemed like he was her boyfriend. I think maybe it is time for these 2 to go after a month.
  4. It was confirmed they are sisters, and at least Joy showers daily. I can't believe Joy fucks a guy 3 times on camera with no shyness, but won't bate on camera.
  5. I have seen Kapitolina touch her pussy and smell her fingers. So I decided to see when she showered last. Looks like Feb. 27th ( I checked twice). If so, that's fucked up.
  6. I think they get something for being there, but a bonus if you do something besides look at your phone.
  7. I wouldn't mind them being in the beds all the time if they did something other than sleeping and staring at their phone.
  8. Kapitolina went into the little bathroom at 4:20 for 6 minutes probably to rub one out. 🤬
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