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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I knew only Ginger and Tina would do anything. The others are just here for the ride.
  2. I will love it if Curly gets nothing tonight. Such a cocky asshole.
  3. I know you will never see Monica, Elettra, Kim or Irma being fucked by these guys.
  4. I don't like them also, but I just want to see these girls get fucked.
  5. I figured Ginger and Tina because they don't give a shit what they do on here.
  6. Wow, I can see them planning it and I have no idea what they are saying.
  7. Looks like Ginger is trying to knock some sense into Elettra.
  8. Tina and Monica in B1. I think Monica forgot she lives in B4.🙄
  9. I agree they are the prettiest, but it's so fake I can't watch it.
  10. I think they should boot out Blair and put Loraine's friend in that room. She has nice tits and maybe she could bate without having Loraine next to her.
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