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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Nice catch, I would have never known that happened. It was quick, but you can hear her when she has an orgasm....Thanks.
  2. I'm going to bed, almost midnight. Work in the morning. Goodnight guys.
  3. Wow, are you a young kid? Us older guys have a sense of humor.
  4. Why did I think that was funny? You know he was joking?
  5. What are you talking about? I like Malia and not happy she does not bate. As I said before I have seen Leora bate for too long.
  6. She must be bating in the bathroom with no camera. She hasn't done a bate since she got here.
  7. Nothing wrong with what he is thinking. I think that's why we are all here.
  8. I'm just looking for a Malia bate. I don't think it happened.
  9. Look at them now. Leora has a closed pussy and Malia has an open pussy.
  10. Malia bated? I see no bate on replay. Do you have a time for this historic moment?
  11. I will have to look at today's shower, but she did on her first one.
  12. I just watched replay and that is different. At least she is making an effort, unlike some of these do nothings.
  13. 🤣Wtf are you talking about? Leora just puts a show on every night. Malia teases everyone every day. All I am saying is that Malia needs to touch that pussy, not just show it. Enjoy watching the same show from Leora that has been going on for too many years.🙄
  14. Funny how a girl does a bate after 2 days and this slug Malia does nothing in a month and a half.
  15. Yes, I remember her in Russia. She has to shower or bath sooner or later.😄
  16. These 2 do nothings that sit on their bed and stare at their phone all day need to go. And the 2 vampires.....they should have never been here at all.
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