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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. The only pussy she will play with is the cat, like now.
  2. Why do these people on here come up with these fucked up names for everyone?
  3. Wolf took a shower with a guy? Or am I reading that wrong?
  4. I'm 100% sure she will do nothing while you're gone.
  5. On the right is Miss Iraq with normal lips, and on the left is Miss Iraq now with blown up lips. I'm sure Margo would look so much better without them, just like this girl. So glad she is leaving, those lips are hideous.
  6. Perfect example of this current generation. Wtf is wrong with these people?
  7. Exactly what he does, I remember those days. Ah, the good old days.
  8. Their music sucks. At this point I would rather hear that Foreskin music the northguy praises so much.😒
  9. I think he is posting in the wrong place, the tick is the tranny in B4.
  10. Big difference, I do the same. Can't wait for Margo and Wolf to be gone.
  11. Let me know when she bates. This shit is boring.😏
  12. Blah,blah,blah. Vlad still useless to me compared to Elli.😏
  13. He said it was because the translator changes it. I'm sure he knows Daytona is 100% male.
  14. Once again Sabina does nothing on her own, only stupid shows with others. She is useless.
  15. I know, but she never does anything by herself. That's why I asked the question.
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