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Everything posted by moos54

  1. what is interesting with what happened this weekend is to have guests, even shy because of the cameras, but who also do not prevent themselves from living normally their relationship as a couple Carla and Yanai often celebrate parties at home, so there is always a way they can come back another time, like others for that matter, and we can have nice things 🙂
  2. they always made this kind of game at each party, they are very creative to amuse their guests, generally it is a lot of energy and fun for everyone
  3. Always being honest, she does exactly what she was already doing at B5
  4. I agree with you, even if we also have this quite often with Linda and Tibor Much less with Martina and Alberto but it is because they did not originally come from Barcelona and I think that most of their friends do not live in this city either The nice thing about Carla and Yanai is that they seem to have a lot of friends, and it gives a lot of diversity when they decide to make party in their apartment
  5. I am not saying that it is difficult to solve the problem of this famous invisible door, it would be enough to put a curtain rod with the curtain to solve the problem, but that is still not the case at the time of today Maybe Carla and Yanai will do it one day, because they seem to decorate quite a bit as they see fit He took a shower himself while also wearing his swimming shorts, so yes it is certain that he is not very comfortable with the idea of being seen naked by cameras, but it is also necessary to say that he does not come to this apartment for the cameras, but to spend a good weekend with his friends, who live in an apartment with cameras
  6. Tu peux toujours en dire si cela t'amuse même si je ne vois pas trop la raison, il n'est pas le premier à ce droguer, et il ne sera pas le dernier, et je doute qu'il pousse qui que soit à la consommation sans son accord, toutes ces personnes sont loin d'être des anges Gina a l'air de l’apprécier, ils ont l'air d'avoir résolu leur soucis ou du moins ont établi ce que doit être leur relation Tout ce que je vois c'est que Gina à l'air heureuse, et je préfère cette Gina à celle qui pleure par exemple
  7. I remember twice but only once seemed to be really made to block the view of the camera It was done by Carla's girlfriend who comes from time to time and fucks in the guestroom The second time, it was already in the bathroom, one of the guests had opened the bathroom window, which had the effect of blocking the view of the camera, but I think she did more this to block the view from the bedroom because there is no door between the bedroom and the bathroom, knowing that the bathtub has a direct view in the bedroom
  8. The bathroom is not large, it has already happened on the part of Carla to put herself in front of this camera while his girlfriend was taking a shower because it is the only place where you can put yourself if you want to watch and talk with the person who is showering And I doubt Carla had the will to knowingly block the view
  9. Sorry Ze but firstly I was not at home during my first comment and secondly they are only guests, we can not ask them to do like the participants i am back on my computer after a day at work, so i can watched the replay Now being honest, would your comment have been different if you had the opportunity to see the entire shower while she is wearing her swimsuit? Knowing you a little, I still have a doubt
  10. je crois que oui cela a l'air de fonctionner sans passer par segpay mais cela a l'air plus long et fastidieux si je ne me trompe pas, je crois que plusieurs utilise paypal en effet, mais je ne peux pas t'aider plus sur le sujet
  11. I'm not saying it's done by accident, but in the end he doesn't try to hide his naked girlfriend in the shower either
  12. It's not to defend anything, it's just to explain what really happened In fact, besides I do not see in what my remarks have a relation with RLC because I simply explain what these people do that we can see through the cameras From Ze's words, I thought they put something in front of the camera, when in reality he only puts his body in front of the camera, and like I said, he doesn't stay in front this one during the whole shower, he moves twice, which makes it possible to see that she takes her shower in swimsuit, therefore it is not as if they wanted to hide from the nudity I sincerely think that your problem with RLC has nothing whatsoever to do with what these people may or may not do, especially since they are only guests and have no account to anyone.
  13. c'est surtout que vous avez tous l'air de vraiment fantasmer une vie sur ces personnes qui à l'air d'être à des années lumières de ce qu'ils sont vraiment personnellement cela ne me choque pas vraiment qu'il ai besoin de repos s'il est blessé à une jambe, et donc qu'ils en profitent pour passer du temps ensemble Surtout que Gina a l'air plutôt détendue et souriante, donc ce n'est que du positif pour ma part, car une fille heureuse donne des images sympa, ce qui rend tout autant heureux le voyeur normalement
  14. la vérité? celle où il aime passé du temps avec Gina? ça va il y a pire comme prison
  15. In fact, we can't really say that he covers the camera, he stands right in front of it And he is not there all the time, so we can see that in the end she takes a shower while keeping her swimsuit By cons, I admit that she seems to have a beautiful body, she already has a very nice ass :-)
  16. it's been more than a week that it's like that, I wonder if it is not since they came to replace the camera of the Terrace which was HS
  17. not only a guy female guest too, she was here at the last party too
  18. I want to point out that cute guest as you call it hid a camera the first time we saw her, and if they had knowledge of the second camera in the guest room, I think they would have done the same So I find you very severe with those who are present this weekend, you are the first to cry for having guests, and when they don't give you what you want, you're still crying ^^ All the guests we see in this apartment are close friends of the couple, so even if they are not comfortable with the presence of the cameras, it's pretty cool to see them doing a simple party with Carla and Yanai in their apartment, because Carla and Yanai can easily have this kind of party elsewhere than in their apartment, like last weekend
  19. already I am surprised, because I thought that the guy was also part of their gay friends 🙂
  20. for the moment, I don't have the impression that this is a possibility, maybe in a year or two 😁
  21. Yes they are a couple, she's new, he isn't new He already made several parties with others guests in this apartment
  22. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/07_6?ts=1593231372&from=share 😉
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