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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I don't feel like Martina cares about it since she's moved on and had another relationship with other girls 😁 Nelly and Martina, it's the past, it's time to mourn this relationship 😉
  2. Everyone wants to be sure it's true so they prefer to check it 🤣 Tomorrow it will be the turn of Tweety, who in my opinion leaves B5 but also Barcelona in view of the number of her suitcases 😁
  3. I see that my brave Kaley came to save the principal 😁🤣
  4. Too bad, she left with her suitcase RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording but it was cool to see her, it's a big step in the right direction for the future 😁
  5. You should watch live, for example Katie's apartment was on top cam a lot today, yet they were just watching TV, as they often do. Except that there is an element to take into account that makes it more interesting than usual, the guest 😁
  6. Yes she was a little drunk yesterday but that didn't stop her from getting changed in the hallway and going to the bathroom just before taking off her bra and avoiding being really topless in front of the cams, so she still had a certain control, after the slight moments of flash are often due to the position of the cameras On the other hand yesterday when she changed in the bathroom, it was voluntary on her part to show herself topless even for 1 second But like you, I hope she wants to take a shower and I don't mind at all that she stays all weekend😁
  7. Je suis d'accord avec toi, je fais la même analyse et je fonctionne comme toi surtout pour Masha ou Leora, autant te dire que je ne regarde quasiment jamais Leora 🤣 Au delà d'avoir des moments sympa avec les guests, leur venus permet aussi de voir une autre dynamique pour les participants et c'est plutôt sympa à voir Quand je vois le travail qu'à fait Venera pour préparer la table dans le salon, franchement je suis intrigué et excité de voir qui seront les invités, seront t'ils les mêmes que d'habitude ou auront nous la chance d'en avoir des nouveaux?
  8. It's quite normal since most of the people you quote are people not attached to RLC, the guests generally attract the views of subscribers I bet you that if tonight there are guests at Venera and Lion, they will surely also be on top cam whatever they do I also wanted to say that the last time the guests were present, Carla and Yanai were doing the same thing as the guests, by the way, we could hear Carla in the living room
  9. she just changed her clothes but it's already very nice to have that from her She comes regularly with her husband lately
  10. my initial post was in French and it's just your translator that's doing things wrong, you can replace with "tenant", for us it's the same thing 😁
  11. il n'est pas hors sujet vue que certain ont fait des prédictions en disant que Tweety, qui est à B5 en ce moment en tant que guest, serait surement la prochaine participante pour B4
  12. Prendre des gens en photos, c'est un peu le boulot de Tim, on peut le voir quand il travail sur les photos sur son PC, donc il n'y a pas vraiment de séduction par rapport à cela, la séduction ça fait des semaines qu'elle est en place, ce n'est pas pour rien que Tim et Kassandra ont baisé ensemble dans le salon après une soirée un peu trop arrosé 😁 Mais depuis cet épisode ils ont l'air de vouloir n'être que des amis, même si je pense que Tim ne dirait pas non pour quelque chose de plus avec kassandra, je trouve d'ailleurs qu'ils vont plutôt bien ensemble, en tout cas ils sont assez proche tout de même
  13. tu n'as jamais entendu le terme de guest? 😁 en quoi c'est important qu'elle ne soit plus présente parce que RLC a dit qu'elle avait quitté le projet, ça fait une fille supplémentaire que tu peux voir nue, profite 😉
  14. ex girlfriend It just means that Samson and Thor are probably Ukrainian, it doesn't mean anything more 😁
  15. Monica has already had intimate relations within RLC with a man, so she can very well do it again with the one who came to B4 a few days ago
  16. Of the 4 moderators, only two of us subscribe to RLC We also made choices that did not really put RLC forward on our forum so your comments about me are still off topic. I'm just giving my opinion If you subscribe while being interested in seeing EVERYTHING then yes the subscription remains something interesting to do, for my part I find that there is enough to see for the asking price But if you subscribe only for one thing, then no it's not necessarily a good idea because you will remain on a certain frustration because you will not have all the time what why you subscribe, I think you you are the perfect example 😁
  17. note that this is from a very frustrated man who can't have what he want 🤣
  18. It all depends on the reason for subscribing, for my part I subscribe to see everything, the good the less good and even the boring, and suddenly I am very happy with my subscription But if it's for another reason, then you really have to ask yourself the right questions to know if it's worth it or not.
  19. Venera and Lion living room is ready for a party
  20. at the same time the term "vacation" is simply used by rlc to prevent the absence of one or more participants for example, they used this term for Luna when we knew that she had gone to her native country to bury her grandfather, so they aren't vacation for her So do not believe that these girls always go on vacation when they are absent Besides, I also think that "Girls on Vacation" is not necessarily a formula to describe the different apartments belonging to this kind of concept, because all the girls do not necessarily come from a foreign country, some participants already lived in Spain or Barcelona before entering an RLC apartment, some even have a job like the couple participants I sincerely think that we give too much importance to this term "vacation" because it means nothing at the end
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