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Everything posted by moos54

  1. As I already explained, I don't think there was need for more detail and mainly because I prefer to show respect towards this girl and what she is going through at the moment I just have a kind of ethics that makes me say that there is not necessarily a need to explain EVERYTHING The tone of my first post and the hints of my second post should have been enough for you to understand the situation
  2. Instead of making fun of me every time i wrote something, try to read my words carefully because without going into the details of Karen's personal life, I illustrated my words very well by implying what Karen was going through yesterday compared to this what is happening in her country and the consequences that this can have but apparently we really have to draw you a picture so that you can understand things, which seemed quite obvious to me ...
  3. I think my words were understandable without wanting to go too much into the privacy of this person and her family, that's called having respect
  4. Why? Do you really need me to draw you a picture of the situation?
  5. of course I know why, especially since I'm not the type of person to write things without knowing In case you don't know, there is a war in Ukraine, and these girls have family who are in the country, some even defend the country, except that also has consequences I won't go any further cause I don't think you need more
  6. If you knew why she's crying, you'd shut your mouth while being ashamed of what you said 🤮🤬
  7. Kristy gave also a gift for Beatrice
  8. Je crois surtout que tu as décidé de toi même que ce genre d'appartement ou maison ne servaient à rien au sein de RLC, dans un sens je suis assez d'accord avec toi pour dire que Venera et Lion sont super pour ce projet, mais les autres aussi sont très bien pour RLC Les appartements GoV et CoV nous permettent de voir des choses différentes, mais tout autant intéressante Qui es tu pour juger de ce qu'elles font? d'ailleurs si tu ouvre les yeux, tu verrais que certaines font justement des études pour apprendre la langue Espagnole ou Anglaise, qu'elles prennent des cours de danse, qu'elles profitent des piscines dans les villas En fait les 3/4 du temps, elles font exactement les mêmes choses qu'on pourrait faire si on était à leur place Toi tu ne vois que le fait qu'elles restent sur leur lit avec leur téléphone pour soit disant toucher la paye de RLC, moi je vois des choses bien au delà de cela dans leur différent comportement Et oui je trouve malheureusement normal que cette génération utilise le téléphone à outrance vue que les enfants d'aujourd'hui viennent au monde avec le téléphone presque déjà greffer dans la main, il faut savoir vivre avec son temps ----------- I especially believe that you decided for yourself that this kind of apartment or house was useless within RLC, in a way I quite agree with you to say that Venera and Lion are great for this project, but the others are also fine for RLC The GoV and CoV apartments allow us to see different things, but just as interesting as couples apartments Who are you to judge what they do? besides, if you open your eyes, you will see that some are studying to learn the Spanish or English language, that they take dance lessons, that they take advantage of the swimming pools in the villas In fact 3/4 of the time, they do exactly the same things we could do if we were in their place. You only see the fact that they stay on their bed with their phone to supposedly receive RLC pay, I see things far beyond that in their different behavior And yes, unfortunately, I find it normal that this generation uses the telephone excessively given that today's children come into the world with the telephone almost already grafted into their hands, you have to know how to live with the times
  9. They are in their twenties, so it is not surprising to see them often on their cell phones.
  10. As tu vraiment regarder la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui? car ces filles agissent comme la plupart des jeunes de maintenant, avec un téléphone dans la main 😁
  11. That's why they fuck only three or four times the day 🤣
  12. Sorry I don't really have the same opinion about Natalia
  13. The problem is that she thinks too much about the cameras and tries to show as little as possible, which is quite strange because this apartment gives the impression that it is the couple who put cameras in their home
  14. a bate is a bate my friend I just proved to you that it would be better for you to turn your tongue in your mouth 10 times instead of writing bullshit 😁
  15. do something about your eyesight problems, it's becoming a big problem for you because he ejaculated on her back, if they went to the bathroom it's more to clean up the sperm than anything else 😁
  16. you never said she was a do nothing? come on 🤣
  17. No phone right now for Zabava, and i can say one thing, she's beautiful 😁
  18. If she doesn't take out a second suitcase, then I can say that she's only going on vacation
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