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Everything posted by moos54

  1. je ne suis pas Noldus mais je ne pense pas que cet appart soit en Espagne, et j'ai un doute que ce soit aussi en République Tchèque, le temps nous le dira, en tout cas le couple a l'air de parler Russe ou Ukrainien
  2. No Kristy slept in the living room last night Ginger came in B2 this morning Kristy joined Alana, Ginger on the couch
  3. that's partly why condoms exist 🤣
  4. yes It looks more like a scar from a burn
  5. Eva is happy in a relationship with Matvei and Masha knows it Sam has always been a friend of Masha, just like Eva is with her too Now I don't know if Eva and Masha discussed the possibility of Sam leaving Russia to come and live in Italy with Masha Was it planned for a long time? I doubt it a bit
  6. why not, she isn"t with him anymore since three years now
  7. What does this have to do with Gyana's new tattoo? 😁
  8. I'm really very surprised to see this because she seemed really a little shy in Gyana, maybe it was because of other people and not necessarily because of cameras Either way, it's really nice to have them. I hope there will be girls' parties with the guest of this afternoon because they seem to me to be good friends 😁
  9. I thought Psyche was interesting in her own way but I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised with Venera and Lion now as they seemed quite shy with the presence of the cameras at Gyana and Dantez Maybe we can finally have a real party without the lights being off all the time 🤣
  10. Guess that's the couple who brought their own work desk After Psyche was absent several days in a row, so a bit strange for an office job 🤣 Gyana and Katie also don't work in their apartment and that's fine, so I guess the issue with Psyche and Mars is other than just this office thing.
  11. look like it however, they have fitted a work desk in the room which I believe is Venera's
  12. Don't complain, for once, Zabava was present all the time 😁
  13. woman fucker even if I don't know if it's really a job 😁
  14. Even if she wants to, as Zabava was able to do, it takes at least two people to do it, which means that her partner agrees to be in front of cameras It doesn't work all the time
  15. When love is gone, there's no point in carrying on Their relationship was already on the decline a bit before RLC decided to close the apartments in Russia
  16. Yes it is them 😁 Already it is certain that the second couple who also go from time to time to Gyana and Dantez will come here too, it is already the case for today 😁
  17. On doit pas regarder la même chose dans ce cas car ta logique n'a aucun sens avec ce qu'on a pu voir pendant plusieurs semaines voir mois 😀
  18. Je te signale que les "expulsées" comme tu dis, portaient aussi des maillots de bain quand il y avait un homme à B4, je dis ça je dis rien 😀
  19. Non je comprend bien tes propos Holly, Tweety ou Loraine ont pris des bains de soleil complètement nue récemment et elles sont toujours présentes à B4 Je trouve cela complètement farfelue de dire que c'est parce que les filles ont été nue à B4 qu'elles ont quitté RLC alors que c'est juste la bonne période pour faire des changements
  20. Nudité interdite à B4 🤣 Bonne blague surtout quand on prend en compte que Radislava est restée quasiment nue H24 pendant 2 ans sur rlc dont presque 1 ans à B4
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