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Everything posted by delong1

  1. Sadly wont see her again for 5 more months at the earliest as for partying and dancing she could put majority of those girls to shame not to mention she bated more than all the current barca 1 and 2 girls combined
  2. Hopefully it will change but for now it looks like all the partying and "playing" left with her.
  3. Aside from that shit looking painful near the end with the tweezers is a lot like what Stella,Polya,Irma, and Ilona used to do for each other
  4. Caro has said and implied quite a bit that she's shy and doesn't want the cameras to see,belle it's hard to tell since she apparently bated once or twice in barca 1 but she barely moved from what i've heard. Don't think Becca has. the only one that used to bate every once in a while was stella
  5. She does but its not often. the few times i've caught her it's been for ridiculously long times like 30+ mins her last one she bated so long the batteries on her toy gave out so she just rolled over and slept
  6. Did Becca catch something while she was gone? lol...the other girls would rather cram onto the same couch than take the spot by her
  7. Before she used to be around the other girls she used to dress up or "cosplay" as its called nowadays and strike a few poses here and there
  8. Uhh they did actually the whole situation with polya and Irma avoiding each other for a few days was because polya and her guy was drunk and ended up in a fight after they left them
  9. It actually happens in the states quite a lot too...a few off campus parties i went to a few years back girls were wearing them and a few others most notably the yellow rodent from a japanese series called pokemon
  10. While i agree lola should help at the same time not much lola could do considering the girls in barca 2 just found out what happened with belle and mileena today while they knew something was up they were in the dark just like us about what happened
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