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Everything posted by delong1

  1. I honestly doubt the big "reunion" that people are hoping for is gonna happen as it was just a alcohol fueled night that the girls had.
  2. i think he means Megan paints people in more detail (Illona's forearm wing) than Irma
  3. I can respect that, but i would also take being an "idiot" around people i trust and in my own place than being out in public around people i don't know who might prey on them being drunk.
  4. "Normal people" also do the same things. I've seen girls dance on tables,bars and stairs..not an uncommon thing to see girls that consume alcohol do.
  5. Honestly think it's pretty nice he doesn't care about her need to bate so frequently. Now if only some of the other tenants took notes.
  6. Even before the sling if he goes in the guest room she will whip out the vibrator. When they first moved in she pretty much made sure he never saw her mastubating now, he could walk in while she's doing it and she wouldn't bat an eye.
  7. I hear ya....would definitely watch on mine too if it was supported.
  8. Man Irma and illona...What do I do in this situation!!???!?
  9. You just haven't looked hard enough. the are always pics of paid rooms
  10. You know if i wasn't there to see it i would've never believed it....good job illona
  11. That particular vid has been pretty elusive. either it's been only a few seconds or just pics put together into a video unfortunately but ill still keep an eye out.
  12. I take no credit for it just a vid i found of elisa. enjoy (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  13. Actually there is, i'll try to upload it soon.
  14. Nope no reason other than Lev in a nutshell since he got the game. Although Zoya has started rubbing more often since he got it.
  15. Pablow must've had one hell of a night out.He's drunk off his ass
  16. No need to worry that account is from a friend who is done with rlc and rather than let the last days go to waste put them to good use.
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