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Everything posted by delong1

  1. Gotta hand it to leora she is a trooper. sick and all still needs to bate
  2. to each their own but i think it's more on rlc than anything, almost all the apartments spend a good deal of time off camera other than maybe L+P. K+K usually gone most of the day,Maya and Stepan are usually gone or looking like an ederly couple same goes for D+D. Zoya and Lev leave very sporadically and the rest once in a blue moon they will stay in but its usually the same leave in the morning come back in the evening.
  3. yeah it is a tricky thing to have unless the girls are on the same wavelength only since stella came to barca 2 she has been this animated which in my opinion is a good thing. in barca 1 she was usually on the balcony or in her room by herself.
  4. Either being is Barca 2 is helping her break out of her shell or she got laid when they went out but this is the most animated and loud i've ever seen Stella
  5. and to add to your point have to mention the obvious...half the girls can't dance which isn't very appealing for being a stripper
  6. Yeah and even then it was only anna... as soon as belle saw anna wasn't letting her up she called polya in.
  7. The barcelona contact has up to this point been Nora, will the bearded wonder show up again one day? who knows but going by the translations he was just a friend of lola's that was visiting.
  8. the said part is lola was there before that apartment existed and has lasted longer than 3 girls
  9. Well Stella seems to be in the kitchen cooking for everyone so don't think the girls will leave for a while. maybe the party is just on hold
  10. Yep...I've seen the music blasting in Barca 1 with noone in it and no one ever seemed to say anything,doesnt matter how much more space barca 2 has if you have to limit the party.
  11. A little bit after they both gave megan a orgasm. it's why people said it was a hell of a night because of the sheer amount of stuff that went on
  12. She still had on her panties and you could catch some of it on cam 12 but other than that no strategically placed pillows,blankets or sheets.
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