Happy i have RLC membership just when i feel like it but iv'e found it's so hard to comment about RLC on CC when you can't see what's going on so i just don't comment. RLC have made it very difficult to follow the apartments when you don't subscribe.
She's not the same as last time but even everything that happened last time she was never one to show off her pussy spreading her legs but yeah the pillow is pushing things to far
Did anyone else see when Nicole got home she popped her head in and said hi to the girls after she left they both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. I hope i'm wrong but that's not a good sign.
I agree Ben i forgot about Ilona bating and in my next comment i said that i did give Irma credit for saving B1 from destruction as we all know at that time it was a basket case.
For me i think Lola Polya and Stella have been very disappointing seeing what happened last time they were around. Nora and Irma came back and saved B1 from destruction so they get points for that and i forgot
Danaya she was ok in parts but a bit boring for me
Thinking of the girls that have come back
Ilona not much different
Nora a lot better
Jasmin a lot better
Lola worse very disappointing
Irma not much different
Belle after a slow start better
Polya worse disappointing
Stella worse disappointing
Nicole ??????