I know both MikeLima and TheGame are both good fella's they just have strong feelings on some things
I don't agree with everyone on here but most of the time i just let it go and don't say anything.
I have no problem with anyone sending a mail to RLC if you feel strongly about it go ahead and do it. I remember people laughing at me and telling me i was wasting my time sending emails to RLC about a balcony cam in B2 but after a dozen or so emails we now have a balcony cam.
Looks like they have gone to the beach
Jasmin only had a white top on that looked fabulous by the way so she will change at the beach or swim topless
either way i would love to be there
BB i don't know why and I'm not complaining but i do wonder why Belle has been giving us these excellent views lately. Yesterday when she was dancing around nude in the lounge room she looked at the camera gave a little smile then looked at her phone then she went into Rosie's room and danced on the bed again looked at the camera with a grin then went to her phone again laying on her bed giving another nice spread so she could have been reading our comments.
Hey timber get this though your head there was no sexual assault
If there is any sexual assault in any apartment I will be the first to complain but with you saying there was a sexual assault without even watching it will give people who read this forum think that there was and there wasn't.