Yesterday i sent a message to RLC saying don't renew my membership until you get some more exciting girls these ones you have now are boring. suddenly Jasmin is dancing Lara is showing more do you think it is a coincidence
Iv'e noticed lately these girls just go shopping for themselves when the buy food it's just what they want not like when Ilona and Irma were here they would take the trolley and all go shoping together.
That's why Miss Dullsville got so upset when Melina ate her sausages boo hoo
I totally agree he looks so stupid he was even like that when they went to Vanessa's party.
I just wish he would leave her alone in the house for awhile so she can masturbate she is a very beautiful girl.
Well we all know most of them do something along these lines some just harder than others
It's just finding them it was a great find thank you Crispost