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Everything posted by MrBox

  1. I thought about your statement. First, i think you are right about that RLC and some of the residents monitor this forum occasionally. One example is guitargst (guest in the apartment of D&D and now a part of the VH cast). ... and ... I also think, that some of the improvements (like the balcony cams) are based on this monitoring. ... On the other hand, i do not think, RLC or the residents should use this forum for more than ideas. We would not see the life of the residents, If they just perform what some people here want to see. Best example are maybe the teasing shows (nude dancing, body painting, ...). Sure, people here want to see naked girls, but were is the point deliver in this matter, when it kills all private life in passing. I liked the presence of girls as open minded as Nora or Nicole in the project, because they seemed to life there for real. I still can not say, if or how Nora is related or a part of RLC (beside her participation as a resident) and I will not get lost in any assumptions regarding this matter. I only care about what is happening in this apartments. ... Currently, the barcelona apartments are almost dead.
  2. I like the dynamic between this people. .... :) .... I guess RLC regrets that they not have casted this couple.
  3. ... so ... we are actually talking about a party .... and ... yes ... a real party will take place outside ... otherwise ... they would have to show their private life on camera. ... and ... this seems to be a no go with this cast. ...
  4. .... welcome back .... i hope your work weekend trip was successful ... have a nice day ... :)
  5. ......... the party was an outside event .... again .... kind of sad ... but ... to be honest ... it was to be expected. ... were Kamila was absent for most of the time in the first two months of this year .... now .... it seems to be Kristys time to go on with her life ... outside of course. Anyway, non of the girls in the actual cast seems to life in this apartment for real any more. ... It is time for a restart .... maybe ... some of the long term guests would like to life there for real. I do not know.
  6. Nice post. I will think about it a bit longer and give a better reply later. Now, please allow me a small correction: ... I said something like that this forum (or better this thread) is not representative of the majority of the viewers, because it is mostly driven by a fan like group of people.
  7. No. Especially not in this thread. ... The number of people posting in this forum is simply way to low for this (even with almost 70000 accounts created). If you would also neglect the people just posting unsteady, you end up with an even way more lower number of people. Sorry,, but the number of people here are simply way to low as they need to be considered by a page like RLC (and based on there copy right policies they also did not do this all the time). Anyway, even if there would be more people active in this forum, it would be most likely still not be representative at all, because a lot of this people posting here are at least a little obsessed with the girls (some to the point were they imagine a kind of relationship with them). If this kind of attraction is one factor for postzing in this thread more likely, you would loss the necessary randomness needed for a representative sample of all viewers. It would be like to ask the "beach boys fan forum" about the quality of there music. No matter what, you would get a result not representative for the average music listener. I guess you like the idea that this forum is some kind of an force (of the viewers), but it is simply not that important. ... We all should not take this forum to seriously.
  8. Half of the girls is already in pyjamas. ... I think, the angels will have a snack and going to leave for the party that take place outside. Anyway, it was nice to see some of the angels back. Did they were at this place at all in this year?
  9. Yes. nobody here represent all viewers. Not me, not the people what only this apartments.... That is the point. ... :)
  10. Almost all groups selected by some additional factors (e.g. writing in a forum about a specific topic) are not representative. So. Let hope RLC is try this out. ... :) .. If they will do, you would most likely see a reduction of the number of viewers for the barcelona apartments over the months. It is the sex and not the teasing shows that sells. If there is only teasing, people will lose interrest over time. RLC would need to add some real content. ... In the end, it would be the same result. This apartment need a change. It need to get back the private life of the residents.
  11. This is the point were you may be wrong. ... Just have a look into the success of VH. ... They do not have a single apartment just with girls in the cast and running perfect (just like RLC did in the beginning). Anyway, i also think RLC need some changes in the couple apartments (e.g. let go people like D&D or Z&L). ... but ... A page without anything sexual going on. Do you really think this idea will work?
  12. I do not think, this apartments would work on there own in the state there are running now (teasing only mode). .. People will recognize how limited these places are very fast. ... but ... It would be nice to see this question answered by having RLC split this apartments into a seperate payment groups (and reduce the cost of the real premium apartments suitable).
  13. No. I do not think so. ... You should not take this forum to seriously. It is nice to speak with other people watching RLC, but the people here are most likely not a representative group of the viewers.
  14. The twins are just an example of about 2/3 of the girls casted for this apartments that are not with the idea of the project. I do not blame the girls for anything, because they just doing there job. ... but ... I blame RLC for the casting of girls that work in this apartments (by giving an non stop teasing show) instead of have a part of their lifes there. I think, you know, that i do not expect anything else as that the cast consist of people also have a part of the private life in this apartments, because that is what RLC states on there page. I do not expect any specific action (like a new version of the orgy nights) and will never do so. I would even go a step further and say that I've often wondered about how many people in this forum repeatedly mentioned there hope to see sex between hetero girls, even if this would not fit the normal life of the girls at all. I started with RLC at a point when Nora was already with the idea of the project in barcelona (including visits of Kiko). I like that you have respect for Nora and think she should get much more of it in this forum. I also liked the development of Ilona. She is maybe the best example for what i try to say. In her first stay she was uninvolved in almost eveything expect her laptop. With her last stay, she opened and we saw a lot of her personality (and also some sexual events). She was honestly involved in the project. This is not the case for the twins or Gina. They are there for the teasing show and we saw all of it in the first week of there stay. Useless to keep them there for months. Like it would also be useless to recast Danaya again, because she would also never life there for real.
  15. She is living in barcelona for real and had a part of her life also in this apartment. ... Sure, she also participated in the shows, but this was more something in addition as a kind of replacement. ... That is the point, I try to make. Just teasing all the time, without any reality left is useless. Even the shows can be honest, if there are lived for real. I think, Nora was real all the time she was in the apartment. Do you really think, that fit to the stay of the Twins?
  16. I do not want to speak for other people .... but ... I also see that this thread is not a good survey of average customers. So please, do not consider this thread as some kind of customer profile. It it easy to guess that a lot of people also would enjoy to see some life in this apartments. Every day a teasing show (selected form a very limited portfolio: Uninvolved dancing, candlelight bath and bodypainting) is useless. It is time for a change. This apatments need more girls as open minded as Nicole, Nora, Elisa, .... It should be a place including a private life. .. :)
  17. You also watched Nicole, even with a guy in this apartments. ... Barcelona is nice, because there is some change in the cast every few month. ... It do not need to be a teasing only space. ... Especially when there are girls like the twins and Gina ...
  18. They are lifeless in this apartments and fill the empty space with this teasing shows. ... Maybe a world like "boring" is not a good fit, but i think, as soon as they are gone, there will not be missed by most of the viewers.Nothing else as teasing is a wast of space and money.
  19. You should not confuse the hardcore "fans" in this thread with the average viewer. ... I think, a lot of people are annoyed to see so many girls limited to only teasing. There are some that wish for something like the orgy nights and there are some that hope for an way more realistic approach. ... but ... This endless theasing without anything else going on is useless. That is easy to see.
  20. First, because the girls actually have a BF could continue with there normal life as in an vecation. ... It would be way more honest and i guess, it would also be more active (not only sex). Lets face it, the teasing girls are very boring. They are so limited with everything (not only the sex life ).
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