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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I don't understand your position to say about virtual figure that she add some pounds to here weight is insulting? you all lost your mind the person that exposed him self (not only his body he expose all his life) to the public have to take the chances to get criticism (if he listen or read) good or bed. As I can see Howard is right she increased some (not few) pounds to here weight you cam see it clearly from behind on the ass and the upper part of the legs. for example look from behind at Leorra and look at Martina how they standing Leora can't or used to stand with closed legs. In all that only the person himself can except, reject, ignore or insulting from these words he need any lawyer
  2. What a philosophic desiccation the subject here (in my point of view) is not how she looks but how the panties looks
  3. I saw here today walking around even without them
  4. The guest giving Masha massage if I am right she wearing only her black panties
  5. Well TK and his GF where a gusets twice here and make a orgy that is briefly
  6. I have one more maybe: they read our forum and they doing the same thing as they did when TK last visit they went to "celebrate" someplace else
  7. I wrote on the bilging they are there in real and we are her knowing nothing above this all is speculations Maybe the example I gave about TK first visit is an answer again maybe
  8. You send an arrow then you paint the target around
  9. If you all remember the firs time TK and his GF was there only on the last evening before they left they go for the orgy and not a minute before they don't gave a sign what's going to happened
  10. I agree with your first sentence but not with the end of the second one is ridicules
  11. Maybe there was a reason but w don't know, She dressed after shower about 4 or 5 days ago when Sasha was in the LR she gave a very long massage to him in the BR any way that's the facts there and we are here BTW, till today Masha didn't walk around naked or topless
  12. I wish I know the Russian language just to understand what's going there
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