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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. It's seems to me that the girl don't like to go on with that
  2. Maybe it's the silent before the storms come
  3. Part on is over lets see what will be the next one
  4. There was competition between Leora and Ilona on the nudity issue (Leora was the winner) lately it comes to the using time on IPhone or Laptop
  5. Nice theory I just wrote "spend the night" there is not mean sex
  6. Looks like all three going to spend the night in on bed at the BR without the cat
  7. First hard verbal quarrel (that I saw) between M & R
  8. No it was only a try she walked around not stable and returned to the BR she screamed often the story of last night starts hours earlier when she was alone with bottle of alcohol singing dancing and rub here naked boobs she already was "refueled" when the guest girls came and later Sam came and th party of three began and ended when Eva "knocked down" the guest's boyfriend came after the story ended the same thing happened (without the first part) 3 or 4 days ago She is drinking a lot
  9. But you surprised me we are not appeared on your map? I said NOT a Muslim country - The Palestinian Territories is the closest location side by side
  10. not at all and I said not Europe but somewhere between Africa and Europe we considered as Europeans
  11. I told you w here don't speak English you are welcome if you like to guess again (1. not a Muslim country 2. not in Europe)
  12. So, in this case I failed tube is a mistake Yes I am far from you I living in a zone that the time is 23:30
  13. Sorry I thought that you are just kidding I don't understand what's all about I have a problem with the E on my keyboard and I just wrote that the guest is in the tube (the bowl for taking a bath) It's all right now? did I turned the light on for you? By The Way, In my country we don't speaking English
  14. You only can guess that the guest in the tube
  15. You only can guess that the guest in the tube
  16. Any RLC member can take pics of the gust in the tube?
  17. It's looks like Masha have some fun with guest girl after Sasha went out with the thin girl (it\s only my impression from the TN's)
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