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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. I Have esthetic problem with Zoya - the same I had with my daughter She fill up her mouth like a balloon then start to talk some times she swallow without even chewing
  2. When ever I going into Z&L living room I Making a bet with my self (without looking at the thumbnails) in what position Lev is he is seating or standing against the game screen
  3. This Apartment disserve a name I think about (according the song) "You'll Never Walk Alone"
  4. The First couple I saw on this bed the girl also was beautiful Blonde (now she is in red) Nelly & Bogdan of cource
  5. My little kid put his hand like this and says "no one can see me" (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)
  6. 1. It's my problem not yours 2. the same problem that I have with Lev BTW, what kind of problem you have concerning with my coment?
  7. If she is upset that's from the right reason But I don't get one thing they probably (including the sexual issue) knew each other before they get in to that adventure, it is not blind date arranged by RLC so she have not the right reason to complain about
  8. I am sure that you can also realized that she is completely naked
  9. It's really hard to imagine what these people went to have such experience (like my self that I was asleep in my GF had sex with one room with two pair for a long time, and rejects the brand with the idea that girls tell the other guy) Someone wrote in the opinion is couples traction are friends for a long time may be right, but I'm sure his previous visit was the first time the reason for switching is that they did it on the last night before leaving after by visitors especially the lady did not reveal the sex of the end of the body is not exposed. Mrs. visiting time was much more open and dominant These pepole can copar now proformens of eche others do not like all the other couples (if any of them was involved in a similar expirience like this befor) It was cleat, for example, that Sasha was muce more Gentel lady guest withe I have some thoughts on more but I think that enough for this time
  10. I think that we can't take Masha as example on this situation that what I wrote 6 hours ago: "About Masha we can say that her motto is "Catch as you can" she is sex machine"
  11. Dear guests if you are Leaving 'bon voyage' and Au revoir! we hope to see you again soon You gave us many exciting moments
  12. Sasha is full of energy he is giving a massage to the guest lady how knows for what we can expect tonight ????? The guest lady looks as fresh flower
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