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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. To all Laura's fans keep going on your way she deserves it. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings
  2. Oh forgive me I just forgot how pure she is You era so blind to see that she lookin quite often at a live chat and respond someone or more in it will she dance here "erotic dance" ?
  3. It's quite funny that some people don't let the facts to changing a good story
  4. you sounds like someone with high blood pressure and it's not good for your health
  5. I try to believe that but I can't I so here typing at list twice and dial to someone by iPhon 2ed she don't have to talk to any one but she read quite often the comments on the screen
  6. Come-on boys I don't know how old are you but you talking as college boy be realistic add one and one and come to the right number
  7. A NEW CAMGIRL no dubbed that she is chatting with someone or more then on
  8. There is no doubt that she knows well the best locations for us
  9. To day Laura so nice to Paul Spanned lot of time with him smile and kissing him, I believe that in few days we will see that she bought something new
  10. I missed to capture the right moment when N open widely her legs and show her treasures right to the cam
  11. Picture of the Year Without his tablet or the game controller Perhaps because of his finger stuck in his nose (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)
  12. In the theater there is a term "if a gun on the table in the 1st part he will shot on the 3ed part" It is true here with the banana (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible)
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