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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. The tatt girl is funny, could be she so poor that she can't afford herself to buy some panties She used the method Wash and Wear shy using hairdryer
  2. Don't say that they do it for fun its they just hobby 🤣
  3. He can invite them to watch TV and tell them that the cameras are not working
  4. When you say hookers or escort girls, you should know that usualy they do not kissing with clients
  5. Anyone of you saw H sleeping at this position he is now? I never saw OK I watched him tonight he looks for the girl and..... surprised she is not there
  6. 00:30 The girl got out of bed quietly while Mr. H sleeping and went out
  7. You don't understand these girls comes to watch TV by the way they get a bit of sex
  8. Therefor she took her sex toy to the bathroom
  9. Please don't be funny It is impossible to compare any girl to Leora
  10. This time it's don't looks as always using the girl and send her away looks that she spend the night here
  11. She had no partner from the first day? What can you demand in such a situation? That she'll bating all day? Doing nude yoga?
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