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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. The bottom line is: "No sex no cams" we are lucky due to nothing happened tonight 😃
  2. Is any of the cams working???? Update: now comes the UM sign
  3. I hope that one day Jewel will find a nice guy (she deserved it) and got an own apartment even without cams 😋
  4. Nunu maybe a few more as I can remember on one foot I didn't saw naked cleaning at Maya Lens Martina Asia Asya Adeline I don't relate to all the girls in Barcelona and...…….
  5. That you can find easily at Leora Nelly and a few more
  6. How much Jane pay for this cleaning work (last week she clean the bathroom? or paying is Dick's job? 😁 or Cleaning work is rent paying for the room?
  7. Last night when they slept there were unusual view he was closed to Asia and his arm crossed hers Hands folded He always keeping a "safety range"
  8. As high the expectation as low the disappointment really. I don't understand this she is simple regular cute girl not playing games as fancy girl (as most RLC girls) use minimal makeup and not wearing bra 😄 I guess she came from the middle class as many Russian families diligent girl wakeup early for work according to the sun tanning lines she not working in office (like Hakeem 😃)
  9. Now they are on the same pose that lad to the 2ed 3some
  10. If anyone noticed she wear her top without bra first then she gave up when she saw that is bit transparent and put on her bra
  11. As far as I saw it's the first time that Asia steping out the border (hall door) topless to the LR or kitchen
  12. How long can human (looks like women can talk much longer as men) talk how much can human smoke (they smoke every 10 Min sometimes less - I am a heavy smoker 1/30-35 Min)
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