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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. You bit exaggerate she didn't practicing she was listen to kids singing and joined her and there If you listen few days ago she have not bed at all voice singing something from classical music or some opera
  2. Could be RLC never heard or they ignoring the sentence "Quality and Quantity don't work side by side"
  3. Keep hoping that will be a change for good soon Or there is Jane's veto
  4. I am still wonder where she lost her yellow pants 😉
  5. Do you believe that real GF let her man to live with other girl just for the free apartment?
  6. I didn't understood what do you want to say with all this description We all knows the story but not all knows the history
  7. Well No2 solved Eva just joined to the bed Sam and the guest still sleeping
  8. 2 things I am curious this morning 1. to see the way that the guest girl walk after 2 ass "strokes" 2. If the sleeping beauty will wakeup soon (looks like Sam gave her sleeping pill 😋) how she react to see them sleeping together I will not see this I going to bed soon
  9. He and Alberto can be good friends 😀 They can play together online
  10. miscvoyeur BTW, using the word silly makes you feel better or smarter?
  11. So? she want the other way too and she want that Eva and Sam will be satisfied
  12. She interesting on one and only thing EVA Ssm can do anything he wants with her she dose not care
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