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Everything posted by rebliz

  1. 01:50 local time a few questions: 1. Why Masha and Dasha speeping in the LR 1. Why Sasha siting in the kitchen or walking around restless ? 3. Why the BR not appeared on the TN? and the significant one 4. Where is the young guest lady
  2. The girl woke up about 15 Min. ago M and S in the kitchen she walk to the BR without saying a word she didn't looked happy then M start talking (nonstop) I wish I could understand but it sounds like expiations But who knows?
  3. To all these that found Sasha is "innocent" I am sure he did not did it for lets say abuse but it was sure he enjoy the situation (she sat topless on his knees kissing and hugging) she vomit twice he still give her drink after drink. Just stop for a moment and think if she was your wife/gf/sister it was sill was OK? BTW, as I see what noted above novidades comment that drugs in involved it's still OK? Just look at the faces
  4. Right now if someone like to watch she is taking a shower
  5. it's not a topic to argue you should not use any person that he is not in self control bdw. English is not my language it's not easy for me to get into more explanations
  6. To give someone that not in self control it is the same if you forced him we read about lot of cases that giving drink to girl and is's ended with rape
  7. BTW, it's not the first time that he used a drunk girl it's happened
  8. In my point of view Sasha is a criminal all that time despite that he knows that she is drunk he still giving her alcohol
  9. posted 3 ours ago 2 figures (the Birdman and the permanent guest girl) that we knows as quite and not involved is now discovering a new face Masha and Dasha pulled (she quite drunk) the permanent gust to the BR Sasha joined later and no it a big mess on the bed All the girls (except birdman GF) walking around and dancing topless The permanent guest drunk kissing and hugging everyone especially Sasha
  10. There is 2 more guys in the LR maybe one's of them GF
  11. could be the her little friend (not the last one) update: No id V and her bf left I don't know
  12. Sorry to interrupted you again is a big mess of bodies on the bed room of M, S, D Looks is to late or not
  13. Masha and Dasha pulled (she quite drunk) the permanent gust to the BR Sasha joined later and no it a big mess on the bed
  14. 2 figures (the Birdman and the permanent guest) that we knows as quite and not involved is now discovering a new face
  15. It's already 1st of January why Masha ,Sasha, Dasha General Chat Topic 2019 #1 still blocked ?
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