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Everything posted by BWCC

  1. Well, that just about covers my nightmare fuel for the rest of the year... Thanks, StnCld :yikes:
  2. Kitchen closeups. Now I remember why I loved this apartment. Wonder if pineapple is going to be the fruit of choice for this apartment now? :D 2015-11-25: (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and Has Been Removed)
  3. That could well be a possibility, and would explain their earlier behavior and all night absence . We'll just have to wait and see.
  4. Having read all the threads and topics from all the tenants (Sadly, I have that kind of time :P ), and based on what I've read up on about Leora & Paul, it might be time for them to make an exit. I've seen where daemon has mentioned that Paul has approached Leora about wanting to see a doctor about his performance issues. If Paul really is having trouble with some kind of ED/performance/stamina issue, that's not healthy and they need to get the man some help -- No matter what anyone might think of Paul, having a problem like that and it being exposed and tossed out on the Internet can't be fun. And Leora doesn't have anything to be ashamed of here. She's pretty and sexy and confident enough -- Anyone with a pulse can see that -- But what Paul may have is a pretty serious medical issue and needs to be looked at; you can't just make the problem go away by being sexy. The last month has been kind of hard to watch. Not fun, really. I can't imagine what it must be like for Paul. Here's hoping it gets straightened out one way or another.
  5. You're good, Chip. Just having a little fun with it, and it's good to see just who has a sense of humor around here :yes:
  6. It just came back online. No name change. That maintenance period was just weird :screwy:
  7. You're a time traveler, aren't you Chip? :) Very good capture, thanks for sharing from the future -- I'll be sure to have multiple devices ready for this day :D
  8. Oh, well thank you. I feel as though I should return the favor... There we go :D
  9. Embrace the negative karma, BB. I do. In fact, I get sad whenever I stop by and see my bad karma hasn't jumped; you know it makes someone out there happy to punch that down-vote button :D
  10. Paul must be feeling some pressure. He appears to be reading/studying some music and practicing a little guitar. The first thing he should have printed off and read was instructions on how to tune the damn thing. Or directions to a music shop to have it looked at by a pro. And to help make amends for posting a Paul-only picture, here's a screen grab from 2015-07-23: You can also just scroll up a little bit on this page to help set your mind at ease :) (Content No Longer Available)
  11. Or just learn to time these things better and hopefully stay in a room that has the mic turned on :) But, hey, I guess sometimes you just have to get after things with some form of privacy, huh? But I do hate apartments with muted sound -- I mean, seriously, what's the point there, especially considering the point of RLC and other related sites? Silly RLC And I'm not so sure she was able to get much of anything accomplished considering the small amount of time spent in the shower, the subsequent argument, and the suck-up/manipulative tone she spoke to Paul in immediately afterwards (One that I can't stand to be perfectly honest; I just turn the volume all the way down when that happens and wait until arms start flailing around and the inevitable argument breaks out :P ). But, in my honest opinion, at the end of the day, I guess it really doesn't matter; it was just interesting to be a virtual fly on that virtual wall :)
  12. Only 4 months myself, and any major hopes I had were extinguished on September 1st. But I still watch and wonder sometimes because it's just part of the fun for me :)
  13. That look she gives. And then the quick peck goodbye. If I was on the receiving end in that situation, no if ands or buts about it, I would have had to do something about that before my girl left for the evening -- And it would involve locking the dog in the Guest Room, far far away, for the duration of said doing something :) (Content No Longer Available)
  14. Just happened to catch the night vision changing to color on this grab. Kind of artsy fartsy From 2015-11-13: (Content No Longer Available)
  15. Scooter failing hard from 2015-11-11: (Content No Longer Available)
  16. Sorry for the delay on this. I blinked and Halloween snuck up on me and I'm hosting a Halloween party this weekend and I'm trying to finish the last few details of a DIY kitchen remodel. First world problems, right? :) I apologize for the size of these files. Between my lack of video editing knowledge and the limited video editing packages available to me, I can by no means be considered a videophile :P From 2015-10-25: (The Video links are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  17. Interesting stuff. Please thank her for providing the translation. If Paul really did go and fuck everything in the apartment in the literal sense of the word, it wouldn't take too terribly long at 2-3 minutes per item :P ... I'm thinking of posting the entire thing from the time the dog arrived to the time he left (Roughly 30-35 minutes) just so everyone can see the whole picture for themselves, and because, hey, why not? It was probably the loudest I've ever heard Leora yell during an argument, and I think that's worth the upload in and of itself; girl's got some pipes on her. I am able to record from 2 different devices, so there are multiple angles from the same time frame. I'll see if I can't get that cropped and uploaded later. Thanks again for providing the translation, mitsoulas33.
  18. I re-watched this a few times and I really believe that Paul had every intention of hitting Leora here. Listen to the fear in her voice and her movements at around the 25-second mark, and I think you'll agree. I would love to be completely wrong here and about all of Paul's shortcomings, but actions just don't lie, and this is just one of many over the 3+ months I've been watching this apartment for myself. I'm not posting this to promote violence or as some kind of sick thrill of seeing someone abused or anything of the sort; I just think it's important for newer members to CC and RLC to know that most people's disdain for Paul is not entirely misplaced. (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  19. If I recall correctly from previous posts, I believe the members of CC gave Scooter her name before they found out she was a she, but the name was already established and was kept anyway.
  20. Next to Maya's dog (And her crazy cats), I think Carina & Sabrina's dog is one of my favorite RLC pets.
  21. Here's hoping the Admins or Mods don't mind some older videos going up as I slowly sift through my video collection. If this is a problem, or if there is a designated place to post older/retired apartment media, do let me know and I'll be sure to adjust accordingly. Kristy scaring Kamilla from the LR1 camera angle on Aug-08, 2015: (The mab.to Link is No Longer Available and has Been Removed)
  22. Gotta love Maya's apartment. You just never know what you may see when you drop by: (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  23. Correctly dated and with the clock in the upper-left-hand corner -- Excellent job and thank you for the uploads, thegame20 and munwat. And munwat -- If those are indeed your captures, please be sure to crop out your code on the bottom-left-hand corner in the future or you'll see your account go "poof" just like that.
  24. (Sorry for the TL;DR ... I'll see if I can find some worthwhile content to post later) Did you watch the 10 or so minutes leading up to the bedroom action? For those who didn't: She brought the blanket into the living room like she usually does and had gone to the Guest Room to take off her makeup before ol' Paul came in and started talking to her. She sighed, flopped down on the black recliner and listened to him whine for a few minutes before rolling her eyes, getting up, taking the blanket back to the bedroom, and the rest of the event took place as seen in the video (Thanks for posting it, by the way). And, as you pointed out, right after Three Minute Man did his thing, she cleaned up, looked more than a little displeased with things as she was walking down the hall and in the Guest Room to change clothes, then went straight to her phone once changed and back in the bedroom. Of course, maybe looking displeased is just her normal look; I've been told by more than a few people that my normal look makes me look like an asshole, so who knows. But without knowing the language, having little understanding of the culture, and just not knowing them as people*, this is all only speculation on my part with little to no effort put into trying to psychoanalyze the situation**. I just enjoy RLC for the beautiful women and if I come across some skin in the process, bonus :) *: Nor would I want to get to know them. I'm perfectly happy just watching all of RLC from afar. **: I damn near lost my mind the first 2 weeks I discovered RLC trying to figure out the who/what/where/when/why of these 2 until I finally figured that they were just young and a little on the immature side. One or both of them will (Hopefully) eventually grow up and begin to figure things out (My money's on Leora in that department :) ) ... Anyone else trying to figure them out, I would highly advise you to do the same and just sit back and enjoy the ride in this apartment (Preferably when Leora is alone and free to let loose and be herself a little bit). Just my :twocents:
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