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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i think some thing is wrong here she is avoiding him, may they swap
  2. i dont think the new girl warming up to phil yet, i think she is kind of annoyed by him. the other one more enjoying his goofing about
  3. no the other one, poor phill even they bring a new girl he ends up being a great friend unless he stop goofing around and be serious
  4. thankyou thank you again
  5. i think he has it for him all he does is watch him and insult the guy, t think he has a problem with the guy having sex with this girl. beside no body seem to care about the guy, every body is watching her except him.
  6. if phill does not get a girl the only sex in this apartment will be in bedroom because phill is in every evening, that will suck
  7. the guy is cooking and she was rubbing him, phill is an idiot he can see what she was doing he should have gone to bathroom or his room instead he kept goofing.
  8. wasn't there another girl suppose to be here for phill??
  9. all the girls are wearing high heel that is the seems today's thing
  10. maybe he watches a lot of those vampire movies :haha:
  11. i hope there will be a pic or two tomorrow , i am out for today, have a joyful evening, night or day which ever time zone you are
  12. no im saying he is not thinking about condom after week or so sleeping next a nice sexy girl when the opportunity is there he jumps on it, you watch them having sex all you saw was "no condom what a creep", we are not here to be a moral police we are here to see people fuck ,we don't care wither they use a condom or not. relax and enjoy the sex don't be a hater because he is having sex and you are not.
  13. and still going, that what phil should ave done withe sonia before she had a chance meeting ivo, ivo does not do great sex he does just sex is all about him
  14. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    so is this how it works petra sleeps on bed they sleep on the sofa some times in revers, that means technically this apartment is two couples and petra because it seems ivo is officially with sonia not sonia joined ivo and petra.
  15. he is doing what any man would in his position, he is been sleeping next to a girl with out sex, of course he is happy. you just like to watch and hate, this is the great sex this place had
  16. now she is gone i don't think she came to have sex with him just for show so the other girl does not feel uncomfortable to have sex in front of the cam, by the way petra had a lot of chances to have sex with phil even when she suppos to when ivo came to have sex with sonia and petra suppose to take him to the other apartment but did nothing so now all the sudden she sows up give him a blow job rub him and leave. i dont think so. but what ever the reson is he is not getting any yet
  17. do you think it is for the benefit of the new girl to maker relax about having sex in the house
  18. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    even the tenant think the camera is wrong ,they put the table in to view
  19. i hope you wright, and thank you for the pic, mine was not good i thought it is better than none i wish every one put some pic. as well as just writing what hapened
  20. petra and phil conciliation price for stealing his room mate
  21. please don't let it be the new girl moving in to voronezh is petra, we need new blood, not moving same shit around
  22. maybe petra staying with fill
  23. by next week they will arrange a welcoming party after that he will make his move he will be restrained at first because Sonia is new hookup so make it look like a game to test the water and take the party to tevr so he will the place for him and one of the new girl who will go gaga over him
  24. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    well poor sonia she is nit going to get any break all day hes been trying now he got it he is not let it stop first on bed then on the table back to bed then in shower,she is going to get tired soon start going out alot, charlie is ok, akira seem to like his phone as much as sex so she gets some break.
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