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Everything posted by sat11

  1. i think she read the post here or somewherelse very time she check her phone she does the right thing
  2. there is some thing good about tver they get along they don't play game on each otherr rather they play for us this one is like competition and ruining every thing, if they stop this stupid game we might see great sex and they will be more happier
  3. her so called friend drank and probably heart she is doing stripty for the cam, doesn't seen to care much this people are just a tool for end game, she is not some one you want in your life, some people think she is the victim because they fancy her they don't want to see her who she is, isnt she two days ago crying acting like the sad little victim, how much she changed , no all that was an act now the true christy is emerging, she is making nastya very unappy an d miserable to stay steel her guy yell at her make her feel small and realy uncomfortable to be around in other word she is turning nastya into phil
  4. i think christy has a plan nastya will go to bed upset and she will be free to play with messa but nastya keep coming out that is what pisses of christy
  5. why christy keep getting angry at nastya , she is a very cold girl she want her fun does not care about any oneels, they are waiting for her to passout it seems they muss about only she is not paying attention
  6. christy went her im not in a mood face she just playing with people because the they start having fun it has to be all about her he suppos to watch her but nastya got on the way
  7. she just tald of by christy to get on with the show and still you think nastya is in control withe a nice way like you talk to a child
  8. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    i know i havent been to this apartment for a while but sonya and ivo dont seem like they were before, it looks they just have sex, he is not all over her all the time like he was, she spends more time by herself or with petra.
  9. i hope there will be sex in the living room, it will be cruel if the just move into the bedroom when the sex part starts
  10. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    my guess nastya then sonya or reverse sonya then nastya
  11. this is the metaphor what is going on in that apartment, she is blind they are playing with her behind her back
  12. well thy are not are they, it seems more drama than sex...
  13. one thing confusing is i don't know which one she is inlove with, some times she seem to be in to christy. she christy have sex with messa and happy about it maybe she thought she might have sex with christy the same time, one problem they don't seem to need her around for them to have sex if they keep doing that she is going to get the message she is becoming the third wheel.(like petra)
  14. she is not a controlling kind, i used to think that too but after watching her, i think she is just not smart, she does the wrong things not to be mean she is like a spoiled child she was a friend with phil but christy pretended to like her she sided with christy, she get upset she think this two like her and once a while she sees the truth and get angry, it is christy apartment she does not control the apartment like i am the boss but lmenuplate the others him with sex her with friendship, but soon or later she has to get rid of nastya that is why she is making sure she has messa then she will show her true color to nastya, that time is coming she only need nastya to get to messa not that is achieved she will push nastya slowly to isolate her so she will become another phil so she will be forced to leave
  15. i dont see nastya a a planner she is more a reactionary she is a follower, christy seems an expert a good planner, thinking about it from the second day she was playing not only to get phil out by crying by looking the victim the phone call right next to the camera and with the loud speaker on so we all can hear who and what is being said same time she knew she needed a man to stay so she played nastya pretending to like her so she can get to messa now one thing left get nastya out to do that create a rift between him and nastya by sleeping with him with out her so making her jealous, scared and insecure like i said nastya is a reactionary so she acts out like she is doing now, but this is my opinion at this time it might change
  16. like i said the war started, this i ilove you , now i hate you thing is anoying
  17. i think she is scared seen what happened to phil(she played her part)when some one is left out of the group they have to work hard specialty in sex part christy and messa are more closer than her not just sexually now but they seem to talk alot have a lot more lough and flirt, that seem to leave nastya out side the only way she could stay is by having him to do that she have to work hard now, she has a single girl whom messa seems to like, for a competition . ps she doesn't seem she can cook or clean.
  18. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    he only have sex one at a time the other one ley there or play with the girl,so far it was only sonya,
  19. sat11

    Tver - Split 1

    that is the first for along time (that what they do first he started with dizi then he wanted sonya so he started sex the same time with sonya so dizi out now he started again with petra that means sonya's days are numbered petra is his in between relationship girl that means sonya will give up and move on or keep have sex while he is sleeping with someonels too)
  20. wow christy is very unconformable every time nastya sit next to her and touching her she crosses her hand over her boobs(one hand across her boob the other between her legs, i guess nastya was her way in to messa now she can get to him with out her she resists
  21. That wascjust to get her of this back, he would have joined hr in the bath
  22. I noticed one thing christy keep interapt them very time, she start conversations and her face gets serious. Nastya she gets her sex from message or Christy or both otherwise she is going to be very angary, they had not havecsex since last week that they did it under the blanket it does not sound sex may be she was just trying BTW he had sex twice with cristy and hecrejects nastya's advance so many times in one evening his hart is not in it, I tell you she is in trouble ,conclusion masty wants messa and Christy, messa wants Christy, Christy wants messa, she does not that keen to sex with nastya.
  23. Iam back when I read Phil is gone ,it looks just onather one is going to start, nastya seem to be rejected by messa and Christy she tried both , she is really horny or or she is trying to make one of the the group ,it seem message and More close than message and nastya,maybe she getting played here , she put her self in awkward position,she has to make Christ her friend so she won't steal her man but this people don't know loyalty, she hascto give him what he want which is Christy so he will stay with her,unfortunately he might prefers Christy and she really seem to like him as well,that leaves nastya trying desperately to be fun for both ,good side of that would be we might to get to see them more in the leaving room. Like I said before when Phil leaves the next person will no nastya now the lost there common enemy they turn on each other and nastya Will be more more isolated and moody and upset all the time,the next boron war starts.
  24. i think i am going to stop watching this apartment at least for next few days, i am beginning to get emotionally involved and they all starting to annoy me, that's not why i started watching, i started to but the lase few days was not fun at all even some times it was very hard and uncomfortable watching them. may be in a few day some thing changes it might be fun to watch them again. or not
  25. if phil leaves i predict next one will be nastya because messa and christy seem more close and have more laugh also flirt more than messa and nastiya, if things developed between messa and christy he will damp nastya to be with christy.
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