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Posts posted by sat11

  1. well this forum is not a pic or video so instead of me keep asking i thought i put some pic i have managed to capture iven tho they are rubbish some one might like them and better than just full of writings page after page so let me put some i hope some one have a better one










  2. is it me or is it a Russian thing all the women in vv are clingy, needy programmed to please who ever screwing them, they don't seem to be their own person. i have seen tania with akira, dizi and sonia with ivo and charli with akira, nastya with messa and to be continued...

  3. lets wait and see what kind of lover phill is, some guys desperate for a girl they would be nice at first but once they get a nice girl they get full of them selves and think they could do better and start ignore or even worse treat them bad, we haven't seen phill in a relationship let give him time and, did he have sex with her because she was his last chance to stay and willing or does he like her?

    what about her is she really likes him or the sex was just way in ? she is new of course she would act nice and fun, would she change once she settles in? or would she get board with phil and start having fun with someone one elss ?

    the point is this people just mate they are not in a relationship they just coupled because they ere the last once left, there were no other people to choose from. so far where here is  a competition phil lost

  4. is it ironic that usually we watch the girls  getting naked or having sex this time we all seem to watch phil and waiting to see whether he is going to have sex or not, thank you phil for all the entertainment for the last few weeks. :clap:

  5. he will get laid but only if she initiated it, otherwise he will do his routing give her  massage  and go to sleep, i hope she is more brave than him so far she has been doing what he suppose to be doing after all this is her first night. phill go for it now you have nothing to loose  now.

  6. Cristy is so cute and sexy! But if she drinks anymore she'll fall down. The four of them are getting along real well. And Cristy wants to make it with Phil, good compatibility. Good job this time, VV!

    i think you are wright she seems in to him, it just i wish he flirts a bit  not for the game pay more attention to her like she is the only one there, watching him is a bit frustrating he is fighting for his stay i really want him to stay because of him this apartment been entertaining. 

  7. sofar she is the one kissing him he is acting like the girl, she opens the door for him all he has to do is man up and get in be a bit assertive have the courage to touch her to much shyness is a bit annoying

  8. so what is the new deal here then petra only have sex sonia, ivo only has sex with sonia, akira only has sex charli. so the only one having sex with two people is sonia , she must be enjoying having both side .

  9. i must say i am very surprised by ivo he must like sonia, he slowed a lot from a week or two ago he even cuddle ,chat and pay atantion to sonia without leading to sex , he must have wanted to have what akira has a nice real relationship not like he had with petra. for how long i dont know, i hope it last.

  10. it seems to me nastya thinking they are a couple and from day one she went all the way she must have liked him from the bignning  and he just thinking he has some one to sleep with in the house not real relationship because she was upset all evening and he did not even concern all, he was thinking another girl to have sex with, may be he did not understand why she was upset as long as he is concern this is what this project all about people haven fun having sex with whom ever available.

    well this should be a waking experience for her and start enjoy her self have sex with any one she wants one day phil and if she want next day with him, unfortunately she might be in love  even though she been kissing phil that just could be becouse she was upset needed comforting.

  11. if i were phil i would sleep on the sofa just to showher that she is disgusting, she suppose to be withe him but treat him shit all evening and try to sleep with other guy and distraptting the house hold.

  12. That is a bad Idea. First of all like I said Phil won't have sex with Nastya. He may let her sleep in

    bed ,but that's all.

    If you switch partners Phil loses again and Messa becomes another Ivor. Phil chose her so I'd like

    to see if they can connect at some point. Remember this is just the first night. You guys need to

    learn some patience.

    its not about first night she is not even taking to phil she seems happy with the others, phil is the one all the girls like they just dont want to have sex with him his a friend of every one except this one, she seem she does not like him at asll.

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