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Posts posted by sat11

  1. may be that's what they ware taking about last night meeting and maybe that's why sonia gave a goodby  rub to phil.

    if akiras gf moved in permanently we might not see that much sex they get board after a while and start spending more time on their phone( absence make the hart founder)

  2. Yes Charlie is the red head. Sonia I guess will be moving in to Tver.

    Where she is I don't know. New guy who cares.

    may be they are clearing the other apartment systematically and bring all new people to it. or petra is leaving and they just trying to create a couple with ivo and sonia.

  3. I usually try to mark my opinions. In this text, I have at least used "I think", "It seams", "I'm now pretty sure" and "appears".

    But the main sentence: "The meeting showed a clear structure and a clear decision, which was then obediently implemented by anna." is not marked like that. You're right, Sorry.

    My apology for using your post I did not ment you or any one specifically just pointing out for every one that if one person say some thing that is their opinion as fact and some one else repeated so on and on its start to sound fact. If a new person comes to this page and read this posts they see the vv show from that prospective and might get the wrong imp ration of show and ruins their experience. That's all I ment.

  4. First of all, slapjack is right. No sex between the two. Now, It seams to be increasingly evident that also the last events (bedroom and shower) were just played. I think, There is no real sex between Phil and Anna.

    I'm now pretty sure that Petra is the clear leader in both apartments. That was more than obvious this time. The meeting showed a clear structure and a clear decision, which was then obediently implemented by anna. The event itself appears to have been scheduled before. Anna has repeatedly tested the time before she left Tver. Also Phil took his shower just in time. Apparently a litle too late, what Anna has led to knock at the bathroom door.

    These event destroed more than it created. ... Now, the friendly link between the two was barely visible. … The show must go on. … In this case, that means simply only porn (or porn like, because they do not had sex, for real).

    OK simple question 1. Did any one heard what they were talking about?

    2. If not why mislead every one by stating some thing that is your interptation of the situation?

    3.could it be Anna was just upset or frustrated when she went there ivo did not pay any attention and needs conferting or needed feeling wanted and one person who would give her no matter what?

    So you don't know exactly what is said use the word like maybe, I think, its seems like,... So on.

  5. After the meeting Anna went back to Voronezh, not looking happy


    mean while in Tver they were all having a good laugh. With Ivory snuggling up to Petra.


    I don't know what this means however Anna did give Ivory a hug and a kiss before she left Tver

    maybe she just explain to her that ivo is petra's and its just a game they play and she is just another girl on the line of stupid girls and  to stop acting like a school girl around ivo and do her thing in her own apartment if she want to stay he will have sex with her now and then till another girl comes in.


    the next 2 pages is all about them fucking, It didn't happen period.

    I explain why in the post above yours. The Petra meeting.

    at lest he got a hand job that the best he is going to get from her unless they bring as new girl in there he aint getting any full sex. till then he and his hand remain best buds.

  7. This was so fake do they think we are stupid Phil never touched her and there was no kissing at all.



    thank you Beancounter for the pic, before i saw the pic i read he got lucky  i thought no i cant it cant be it is impossible, you clarified it with the pic as they say it says a thousand words.

  8. so sad he takes what is given no pride, i guess she got aroused she run off to tver apartment to see what she can get she might get lucky she get to sleep with ivo on the couch that's where he sleeps anyway this will be a test for him can he try while petra is there with out party/ game excuse.


    one min here ...next


  9. i think they adjusted the cams, wow what an improvement,i guess they are trying to make people to subscribe by making the free cams angle rubbish. first the preview now this, what is next brilliant idea.

  10. It “appears” to me that Iyory is trying to get permission from VV or Petra to fuck Anna. He is making a lot of phone class and even had Akira make a couple.

    maybe he was asking them to get ride off petra so he can be free to go to the other apartment to have sex with anna, he wanted anna but petra did notl ike her.

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