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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i dont care what marna doing i just want to watch her being sexy lough and happy , that is enough for me
  2. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    they are doing nothing in duban, bu i will fill tula as much as i can,i can only watch marna the rest of the apartment just bore me to much
  3. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i need to go for a bit i dont want to miss marna having fun
  4. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    they looking at her getting distracted
  5. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    marna wins always!!!
  6. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    sexyy sharade game
  7. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    marna makes this game sexy,
  8. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    just the one, the other one is like a brother or friend to her
  9. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    ok new rule if marna win-the winner loses a a cloth if marna loses - the loser loses cloth i like this rule the
  10. sat11


    i dont know but they dont seam happy. i guess they dont like their assignments they getting on the guys phone
  11. sat11


    that is their thing, it must be entertaining for some one with a phone fetish. lol
  12. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    sixfive, i get what you mean i think, if anita stayed as she was before she came back again no one would have been watching tula specially me , however the old anita or the last anita she was great with nice body. get well have a good rest my friend before you passout i am going to watch the happy in love giggly marna for a bit
  13. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    she is so happy when he came back she cant stop giggling how adorable
  14. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    i think this are not just friends one is her best friend the other is old love from back home, i am guessing
  15. i am sorry but you are the one who wrote it was fixed when the mater of fact i was watching black screen hour after you declared it was fixed. second for my ranting its a cc forum ranting is my right if i want to but i do not rant i say what i think good or bad. ok let me say one thing i dont complain about cams or participants only timeline why i am at work all day sleep half the night that means i cant watch live and i miss a lot the only thing i can do is catch up from time line any thing i missed, unfortunately the time line is next to unusable its very difficult to find to find exact point if by chance you get close point and start watching it it jumps forward and sometimes backward wasting the little time you have to enjoy the content even worse sometimes it wont respond at all. about your promises when you started this money maker venture you you said join now we are bringing out time line and archive etc. once we role them out we put the price up so most of the people joined before that append and some of those people are on their second subscription with out getting any reasonably working time line or archive and every time you say we are working on it with out improvement just by tinkering with it here and there,if you ask you subscribers 99% will tale you how unsatisfied with it and 1 % will tell you how greatly you are working on it every time you say you working on it people believe you less and less, if you were in our shoes you would have said the same thing,, BTW ware is the thumbnail i am sure you working on it. i hope you understand my point. ps i have given up complaining
  16. sat11


    dressed up and out again
  17. sat11


    the ladies are up for another busy day
  18. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    iris must have one great outfit, dressed for lunch the same outfit agin
  19. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    that is before the others left since then,i never seen her or do any thing to hide or just do things in BR so we cant see he like i said she was for the last 3 weeks she was kind, entertaining ,amazingly nice to every one make sure every one is happy, if the rest of them do what she has been doing VV would have been in a better shape now. yes this week end she has guests and took time to be herself and enjoy her time with them. yes i have been watching her this last 3 weeks constantly and i enjoyed her company she is my feverate of all the participants may be a bit too much, the reason is not just watching her have sex but most of all i enjoyed watching her do every thing else as well, yes i love watching her naked i will be happy if she is naked all the the timewhy not she is a beautiful girl every body would ,but i love her character and her personality most of all.
  20. sat11


    and he sleeps in LR , they must be tiered for any thing else, there is invisible room there, if only they could find it
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