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Everything posted by sat11

  1. mr1010 petra is on line now if you want to watch her
  2. i might not be a fun of petra but this site would be even more boring with out those games she organises, saying that my life is not that boring to watch people playing card game every day for hours and call it fun, if you enjoy that i think you are watching a wrong site you should try those game sites, you will be in heaven. another point people go to voro and sit by them selves doing nothing is not their job, they are there to entertain and participate in what ever is going on, it will be more interesting or less boring if they stayed in tver and make a porn movie, smoke or watch tv.
  3. i rely dont know why those three go to voro the dont join just sit by them selves. only the skinny girl seem energetic. for nikky she might join the game and be sociable if only ther is an empty space for her to sit on.lol
  4. i think what is needed is free lancers people who have sex with every one like ivo used to be you might not like him having sex with every girl but it makes it more interesting than bringing a girl for akira or sender or a guy for nikky, the problem with coupling people is that even they get along and have sex it will get old after a while and, we will be stack watching the same thing day after day even stop watching them because we already seen them so many times and we will see them tomorrow doing the same thing, now the new couple are nice but for how long before we start saying they are having sex again ok there is nothing new. so i say if they open another apartment fill it with single free people and let them fuck with out specific person, imagine the combination of 12 people (4 in each apartment preferably 4 men 8 women since the women do each other as well) and replace those who want to be couples and those who want to be by them selves like akira and nikky . it will be chaotic but exiting imao.
  5. hi mr 1010, i stopped watching vv for a while usually i just check in cc to see if any thing is happening, now i just stay for half an hour what ever happens i just stop after that, may be it will get better soon, till then i just pick in once awhile. to be honest i don't see akira and nikky being a couple, the might do like yesterday once a while but she is too cold and the only people she seem to like is ivo and sonya and he to much self involved with his phone. i guess last night was to give ivo and sonya a break, they been caring both apartments far too long people starting to lose interest.
  6. they have nothing to get up early in the morning for, it just anther day, no job to go to for most of them.
  7. with out this two this is what left to watch so let us enjoy with out complaining whether they are teenagers or their physical attributions, they are the best thing to happen to this apartment for month or more.
  8. nikky is worming up to akira or just drunk, ivo is here just to observe.
  9. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    she usually get quite when petra is around, specially today she even avoiding eye contact with her, i think she moved there to hung around with sonya and ivo, she likes them and feels free to be playfull. petra is always the odd one out.
  10. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    May be like petra she is in to girls, only does guys for a show,after all she a had a lot of choice of guys for last 3 weeks instead she kept running to tver to fuck petra . now she is officially with petra till she gets replaced or leave, the Best we going to see will be the same of this.
  11. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    petra has been a corrupter of young girls from the start, even when she was pretending she was seducing them for ivo, good thing she is not a guy, if she was every body here would have said what they used to say about ivo , but hay she is a women we all want to see naked bodies . to she is too much nakedness so much so i dont even see her as a naked girl no interest all, again its my personal feeling she is a turn off after a while.
  12. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    ivo is not trying to sleep with nikky because nikky is petras girl, they are unofficially a couple, when a new girl comes in she will let him join her and nikky so she would move on to the next girl, or it could be he likes sonya a lot. sender might be moving to voro he is cleaning up there.
  13. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    i think these ppl at least some of them are senders friends, he is the only one who spends time with them
  14. they are doing armature porn. lol to be cont. in bedroom
  15. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    if she get a chance the only one nikky would fuck will be ivo, he is the only guy i see she is interested in.
  16. sat11

    Tver - Split 3

    they flirt every time sonay is not there, he is taking pic of her tits
  17. [quote author=Timewarp link=topic=7740.msg201082#msg201082 date=1451737896 I have stated in the past that I strongly disagree with those that suggest that every female who sets foot in these houses owes the paying viewers nudity or sex. i think you misunderstand what this apartments are, this apartments are not a normal houses this are a sex houses, that is how the business is set up, we want to see sex and nude girls whether they are having sex,taking a shower or changing cloth. if you honest that is what you want, yes i dont expect sex every day, that makes it boring seeing the same people having sex every day. in general we are here to see a normal girls nekid or having sex and vv takes money under a promise of that this is not a documentary about how young Russian ppl live . the last month this apartment was nor delivering that promise nikky or this people they are what i consider a rip off by vv, they took ppls money and under delivered.its like you see a sign strip dancing you pay a good money at the door and you go in and a girl comes out start dancing and start taking her cloth then she finishes still wearing her all under wear, you would not be happy with that, yes she strip yes she danced but thats not what you payed for and you would not say not every women on that stage owe me to be nude, would you? no!! personally i stopped paying a long time ago when i realized there was no value for what i was paying and i would not pay just to see ppl like nikky or this ppl now in the apartment, i just pop in and out, if i catch them doing something interesting i watch if not go and do somethingels .
  18. happy new year mr1010, i think its good to start with high note the new year. i had great time, just broke a year old promise not to drink to much, yet you just start reasonably with one then another with a meal then while waiting for the mid night some one gives you a shot or a glass this or that before you know it you past the point of no return the next thing you remember is waking up and making the old promise "never again", that is my new year, all i know is i had a good time, i guess that is the point. i missed every thing last night in vv, i tried to check on them this morning but thy were just waking up so i left, now i just looked they seem going nothing, maybe too many people( 4 girls 2 guys), they look like a group of people that vv found and offered them a free weekend stay so the apartment wont be empty since nikky prefer to stay at tver. may be they will have another party tomorrow hopefully i will catch that, but so far nothing just boring. the girls are not bad one a bit skinny and some a bit shy(not wild young people). i will do in and out to vv to see if any thing is happening.
  19. well time to get some rest for me, check back after a few zzzzz
  20. no i don't think any thing happened with any of them, just had a good party (by the look of the apartment) and just fall sleep. the one in a track suite looks nice, the one in white dress looks a bit like christy(a bit) and seems a bit shy, the other one smiles alot a bit skinny but nice.
  21. i see petras friend did not make it home last night .
  22. Happy new year Unsichtbarer, i guess she gave up her bed for the guests, that is ok she does not like staying in voro any ways.
  23. ok happy new year every one, i hope everybody had a great time. i see vv had a great party, i was out and missed every thing. :shithappens: who is with petra is that one of the guest or nikky? are any of them staying specially the girls ?
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