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Everything posted by sat11

  1. may be just may be she has a very strong feeling for him from the start, may be that is why she wanted nastya out, just a guess may be she told phil that she liked messa and hurt his man pride maybe that's why he stopped talking to her, or im wrong she still playing her game in case vv send another girl to make sure he is committed to her before he sees her, after all you can not trust some one who betrayed someonels with you even you win.
  2. :yikes: you cant say that here, well since you sayed it me too :'( :'(
  3. one good thing the volume button works, you can watch with out muting it.
  4. well now she is making that cute pappy face at him if he keeps up this she start her tantrum and start slamming doors
  5. i m watching karma's work,its one of life lesson you get back what you give out
  6. now they have the place for themselves they should venture to the living room when they have sex, but now its seems they do it like old married couple just before going to bed on the bed. unfortunately she is more conscious about LR cam.
  7. i should've gotten a Russian girl, they feed you well when you come home, he doesn't seem to notice much her effort, she had her hair done, dressed in sexy but conservative dress with high heels, creating a home atmosphere to please her man, he messes with phone or tv, i guess the grass is not greener the other side
  8. i am not arguing but there was agreement or at least some understanding they are together, when they ware playing games when phil was there if the other needed to touch the other person (who is not with them) they ask the other for kind of permit ion (is it ok kind), secondly if he or christy did not think messa and nastya ware together they would not have snick behind nastias back so they have understanding of sort
  9. by the way i did not mean long term in reallife term i meant vv time a week or two
  10. yes that is true but some times she acted needy or clingy because the was sensed a treat from christy, when you feel afraid of loosing you act or fight to protect what you think is yours, for us she might look desperate possessive for her it is to show christy he is hers even tho she lost the war one reason or another.
  11. soon or later will be fed up of her controlling him, she has to that 's who she is, she have to have every thing her way and he will go along with that for sex but as soon as another girl joins or if that takes too long he will have enough of her,they start arguing and shouting then no more sex. i don't see them as a long term .
  12. yes for us they are just met because we see them a few hours a day, for them they live, eat, sleep, loughs,talk and have fun all day, they may be strangers when they came in but after a few days people like or heat each other,that means feeling develop trust given, and that feeling heart or that trust betrayed people get upset, that betrayal happens more people react whether cry with frustration or punch with anger, as long as nastia concern they ware a couple she just make a mistake letting christy join in because she liked her very much, yes they all might not think the same every one is individual.
  13. now she got every thing the house the man for her self next is to move in the same room .so she will be e real couple :clap: :clap: :clap: well done christy goal achieved. well atleast untill the next people arive
  14. i hope the next people are a bit smarter, stronger and more manipulative than than nastya ,make her so uncomfortable as she did to nastya so she leave preferably crying. she is a very ho rebel person.
  15. its funny every body on nastya case, judging her or saying she has mental this that,put your selves in her shoes getting tortured emotionally by the people one cant stop screwing any one every one and the the other trying to get you out of the way so she can screw your bf(as long as she is concerned they are together) and steel, then you start frustrating, but there is nothing you can do about it it build up inside you no mater how much you are willing to take, one day you are drank or sick you expect them to care instead you catch them screwing each other WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU ARE IN THAT SITUATION ?? with out trying to just say the wright thing . from out side watching them t think they did more harm(emotionally to a point of torturing) her than she did to them. all is cristy game the last bit might be not what she expected may be she thought she will cry and very upset she will pack and leave at the end with not much harm to her she got what she wanted so is she a victim here not by far she is the aggressor and messa the participant. from what i see nastya is innocent soul a good person among them may be not street wise she gave then all of her in turn they screwed her over. i hope she find the wright people out thare and forget this people
  16. i betre go before they come back and stack watching with hope some thing exiting to happen
  17. they bore me so mach i am watching ivo and sonia on the couch
  18. thank you my thought exactly, this is ridicules she has been the same dance over an hour and its getting boring its not a tease any more it just killing time
  19. she is a fish , she really can handle the drink, i know she empty ed her stomack earlyer but still drinkg
  20. may be she knows if they start having sex he wont last so she is trying to prolong the game a bit longer
  21. i guess darwin was wrong, evolution does not take millions of years, she changed from quit pappy to a consracter snake in a few days
  22. how that spoilt she is out for good now that is what christy want in the first place,its perfect for her or him he has no that much loyalty when it comes to sex
  23. under this circumstance normal people just go to bed we will see whet this tow would do, he is horny and she need to do the show after all every thing is for the camera.
  24. he is to horny to stay to long by nastya side
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