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Everything posted by Buster

  1. I really don't know what was so special about her. She was average looking with an average body.
  2. Dude, put the pictures in the picture section. It's there for a reason.
  3. The way they look at TV, it's like they're staring right at us. It's kinda funny actually.
  4. When was the last time these two had sex?
  5. Now THAT'S an awesome shot. We need more pics like this.
  6. I've been saying this for weeks now. These two and Alina/Anton need to get the fuck out.
  7. Yep, that black square certainly looks comforting ;D
  8. Nothing is going to happen! I wish people would get back to reality.
  9. I've noticed that too. She always seems to be the aggressor when it comes to initiating sex.
  10. Sorry, but I think those two are a lost cause. You may have gotten your hopes up too high and read into things that weren't really there.
  11. Well if you have bedroom access, I'm pretty sure they're fucking now.
  12. They fuck like every other night. They even fucked last night and a little bit earlier today. I think she's ok in that department.
  13. Has that been confirmed? That she gave him permission?
  14. When it comes to relationships and sex, I blame the guy and the girl for a shitty performance. She should take more control in the bedroom.
  15. Maya/Stepan have fucked during the day but I've only ever seen them in action 3 times. Two times they've fucked in the bedroom, they stayed in the same position until it was finished, and one of those times they stayed under cover. She was completely silent the entire time, and they both lacked any sort of energy.
  16. Don't know if you've seen Maya/Stepan sex but they can actually rival Kiko/Nora as the most boring people to watch having sex.
  17. You can't tell that to the Leora cheerleaders though because the second she starts crying, it's automatically Paul's fault. It doesn't matter what she did, or how it started. You can't argue logic against people like that.
  18. I think you're reading into shit entirely WAY too much.
  19. Sounds like they're playing Tekken 6 right now. Tekken is my absolute favorite fighting game franchise of all time. I SOO wish I could whoop there asses in it lol.
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