Kitek i hope she is only going for a few days but why take down her wall decoration. I just witnessed Adele speak to her about something in the Bathroom didn't seem in a nice tone though.
She has taken down all her pictures and wall decor she put up when arrived. Has her clothes all over the place. Maybe the atmostphere is too much for her and she is off. Shame i like her.
My first impressions of Aida are that we have another Nikki here, she does not want to show anything. They way she just put her nightie on to remove her bra proved that.....
Im glad there is been some good things wrote about Ilona. She came here in high spirits and has her ups and downs but i think has had a good impact on this apartment. She outlasted all her friends and did well to be away from family etc for so long. And please Ilona do not get a boob job they are just lovely like they are.
I think Ilona looks excited to be going home, maybe she has been counting down the days recently. She has looked bored at times which could be why she acts about with Danaya so much. Ive never joined the Haters and i will miss you Ilona, all the best for the future :clap:
Its been said quite a lot she is on a Work Visa. I will let the people who know say for sure. We will all know soon enough though. Im sure Masha and Sasha's time is well up but they are still there.
Ilona has been moping about since Danaya went out she seems very down and upset. She has a conversation on the sofa with Adele but was not upbeat. Maybe Ilona will finally realise she cant be the way she is with people.
Did not see any Bate. She was layed with covers off in that lovely bum out pose and the next time i looked she was asleep under the covers. No Kristy again tonight. Lets hope she is back today.
I instantly saw a resemblance to Ilona, much more so when she has certain expressions. She seems to have the cleaning bug, she attacked her room now she is at the Bathroom. She wasn't happy when she picked up loads of bits on her slipper boots.
What a beautiful young woman Kami is. I only discovered RLC during the latter stages of them in Barcelona so never saw a lot of them. But im so glad they are here now.