I think they are meant to be HD but the problem is placement and light, the shutters were down so there was limited light so the picture becomes too grainy, the Kitchen should have 2 cams based on the size of it, i don't think the living room cams are well placed either as they will be facing away watching the TV most the time. The Bathroom cams are not very good quality either.
Im so glad ILONA is back but i think RLC has let me down with the camera's
Yeah i really did not see this one coming, Did not think Lola would need to swap apartments. Gina is taking up permanent residence in the main room . Well id say she will be here all summer anyway. Hope things go up a notch in the entertainment value as ive not seen a lot worth watching lately.
The time has come again when we will say goodbye to one of the best. With what she has shown us this time round she deserves a big thank you for for turning things around from the first few weeks.
Wonderful Entertaining Sexy Pixie Belle , take care and please come back soon...
So she was up for a reason. I would imagine she maybe returning the phone but as for the rest ive no idea what she is up go. Just goes to show you can never Predict Belle. She is so random.