Ilona's stories were great, even though i did not understand them it was her personality as she told them. Same with Belle. Violetta does seem a whole lot of fun, to say she had a quiet start she is growing on me.
You have noticed more than me BB which goes without saying !
The best views have come from pointing directly at the balcony windows which we always knew was going to give that optimum lighting . Unf ive missed most of it due to working those damn night shifts and not having time to use replay.
She is going for looking a million dollars tonight,
It still could be part of there games, unless there is any real violence involved and she is being hurt i say let them get on with it, some people will like watching that sort of thing, its a little too hard for me at times though. I do prefer Taya when she is in her schoolgirl outfits !
Ive watched them a lot and i just think they are a bit Kinky like that, she seems to like it rough, ive never once seen her even try to stop any of it.
Its the only time she has not layed back in the bath to do it, not really hiding just doing what pleases her by using the shower hose with head removed.