Thankfully ive been getting on with other things and just calling in now and then. Belle under the duvet and back to sleep, well this is great i will check in at B1 i think
There was a small table and chairs out there, 1 chair was left in view when the cam came online, i suspect they are all now out of view behind the camera.
Actually no there was no table, don't know where i imagined that up, there is a fold up type chair out there though.
From watching bits back id say she was trying to play host, i think maybe they stayed longer than she hoped they would, Rose going to bed was probably the tell tale sign of party should be over. I felt Belle was hoping for more attention than she actually got from either of the guys. That look she gave when they left was priceless. Not Dis similar to the look she gave in the hall when she came in one of the nights.
I really don't like this current scenario, its all getting a bit too obvious and well i know you predicted it. Ive not yet renewed and if this goes on and on i wont be.