Well something is triggering her mind to get down in the tub and do it. Very much a coincidence that Rosie is around? They are both very playful together but maybe that's all it is.
Ive got to say i love Belle's new found way of getting off, its different from her and finally she shows her horny side which we just knew must be in there. We don't see a lot but its better than the microbate's
Thank you BELLE
Ive taken the Poll down due to the upset its caused, i will prob take a hiatus from CC for a while now as i don't need the backlash. I hold my hand up when ive made a mistake and im sorry for it but things were just starting to annoy me when ive shelled out for another 6 months which im now regretting .
Im here still keeping tabs on you all.
Ignoring most of the complaints because it was always going to happen after last night. The way i see it is the parties at B2 will never be any different and will go quiet at about the time it did last night thanks to the neighbors and the police issue. The girls are fully aware of this and wont push it.
Of course it does not explain the lack of nudity which could have stopped everyone moaning. All the girls are totally capable of nude dancing. Ok 1 or 2 may be on period but i just get the feeling they would not have gone naked anyway.
Rosie and Belle would probably be good together in a roommates apartment, Apart from the actions the other night with the trying to get Rose out of bed they really interact well and have a good bond.
So what she did last night was indeed a token gesture while waiting for the message to go out. Rosie slightly spoiled her plan by getting too drunk. But today we are back to square one. Rosie has at least been awake and showered etc. Belle has done nothing and is intenet on spending ridiculous hours on been entertaining but that will be elsewhere and not for us to see. I bet she is real fun out there but we are just not seeing it from her.