Hey at least she pulls the covers down and does not hide and do a dead fish bate, she is doing it for herself after all but lets us see. Which is more than many have done before.
I voted Ilona as she is my favorite of all the girls so far. Some have come close but never overtaken her and it would take someone very special to get above her. I watched her the most of any of the girls and yes even when she was just tapping away on that damn Mac.
I loved her spontaneous action to start fun and crazyness out of nothing, her eccentric talking to herself and of course the 1000 expressions. She is incredibly pretty and sexy even when not dressed up or made up but when she did make herself up to go out. Just WOW.
So there you have it. No way could i vote anyone else.
Well my vote of course went to Ilona, which will be no surprise to anyone. Jessica now in the lead which to be honest she was epic, but Irma will no doubt win in the end.
I don't think Danaya is unhappy to be in the project, i think she may like it and like Barcelona a lot, but she is very emotional and the least little thing can set her off. Nicole on the other hand hardly ever showed emotion, the total opposite if you like, apart from after the fight when she was upset clearly.
Id say we are in for a quiet one in both apartments thanks to the neighbors complaints. Im sure they didnt tell them to turn the lights off in the LR though.
It is i think, she is the one that was naked and put on red panties. Mia is staying dressed more in the last couple of days
Wll they looked Red panties in the bedroom but more pink in the Kitchen, ive been distracted by Julia
It really annoys me that you get a nice girl like Julia and she has scumbag boyfriend, she always seems lovely and does not deserve the way she is treated sometimes. Look at that view now.
Well spotted Vortios, they are 100% Renfe train tickets, i don't know why i did not think of it been a railway man myself. But i have not traveled on trains in spain as yet. Plus i get free travel in Europe on the railways so would not need a said ticket