Ive a funny feeling the IR switch in that room is located next to the switch for the lamp and is easily switched unintentionally, Nicole turned on the lamp and off again when it was daylight from that corner for no reason than she could have been told to switch on the IR. If that is the case then she may have not known it was off in the first place. Im guessing a little of course
It takes both parties to fix anything, they dont exactly try either, Angelina blanked her in the Hall twice like she was not even there. I find it all very childish
There is no proof that she did, opened the shutters then turned off the lamp at the switch, there are also plug sockets etc down there, its a bit harsh to accuse her of doing that even if it could be done, which i don't think it can. Whatever i have sent my complaint to RLC about the Night Vision.
The Infrared regularly fails to kick in when the room has been in low light for a long time as it was last night, the B&W kicks in ok which is fine if there is a light source but when the light source is gone its then dark. Last time it took many attempts of turning on the lights and off again for the Infrared to kick back in. This is not sabotage its a damn right annoying technical problem which really RLC should not have happening.
Danaya quickly got her smiling so hopefully nothing too bad. This apartment really does not have good vibes at the moment does it, lets hope things start to turn around quickly.