I won't go against you intuition but i hope that your wrong. We don't want bad for these girls. Irma is not daft, she knows this guy and she would not let him here if she was not sure.
With just Nicole and Estelle left i will leave them with you. I think if Nicole was on her own i would keep watching. Goodnight
I forgot Danaya is still awake
Twins to bed looks like we are done here tonight, i will head over to B2!
Angels room first, well i would if id not just lost all connection and thumbs
Why think that, things have progressed with these 2 over a long period of time, we have only seen a fraction of their relationship together the rest has been elsewhere. It must be more serious than it looked as they were playing it cool in front of the cams.
Very interesting to see they tried options before going live. They must have tried that position to see if they could achieve the angles without showing the street. Looking at it it may have been possible but not omitting the reflections of the area in the windows. Hence the low down screened position was required in the end.
The direct sunlight into the glass of the cam would have been an issue too.