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Posts posted by eagleb1

  1. I'm obviously late commenting on this decision.  I've occasionally been frustrated by the difficulty of making an immediate relevant comment about a picture post.  Perhaps a compromise at this point is to require that comments in the picture topic be TRULY relevant to the picture post in question.  off topic  comments should be reported and deleted.

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  2. My daughter is a Hollywood writer. She was not surprised by his death.  She was pretty sure that this blind post was about him. She posted this shortly after the reporting of Prince's death:

    "MediaTakeOut.com just received word that a VERY popular African-American celebrity - who has recently been in the news - now has what is being described as AIDS. Obviously since we are not able to 100% confirm the story - we're going to leave it as a Blind Item. We want to make it clear we are NOT talking about Magic Johnson. This report REALLY hurt our heart. According to a person EXTREMELY CLOSE to the situation, the celebrity, who is known for having a very EXTREME sexual past reportedly contracted the illness sometime in the 1990s. He kept the illness quiet but began taking his medication RELIGIOUSLY up until about two years ago. Here's what we're told by a VERY trusted entertainment insider: "[The celebrity] believed that he was cured, and he had some crazy [religious] people who told him that God cured him. So he stopped taking his medication and the sickness came back. Now doctors say he's dying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it." We're told that the celebrity is expected to get sicker and sicker, and eventually pass. It can happen as soon as the summer. Very sad news."

    If true, we can chalk up another death to faith in a bizarre religious belief. 

  3. Sa prise de poids avait déjà bien commencé avant les vacances de Noël.  :)

    Je m'en suis rendu compte en tombant sur des vidéos de leur début dans RLC

    Her weight gain had already begun well before the Christmas holidays. I realize it falling on videos from their debut in RLC

    Has the subject of her possible pregnancy been brought up?

    She hasn't been showing her breasts much lately, but it looks to me that her aureole are darker than they used to be.  Twice I noticed that in models I had painted before and in both cases they were early in their pregnancies.

  4. To All.

    Everyone complains about conversations taking place in the picture and video threads.

    StnCld316 created NEW picture and video threads for each tenants apartment in which you can place your PICTURES and VIDEOS.

    ANY text placed in these threads that is not placed there by the original poster of the picture or video, WILL BE REMOVED.

    Place conversations in the appropriate threads. Also put the proper pictures and videos in the proper threads. These will be removed also.

    I love this approach however there are times where comments really help put the post in context.  It would be helpful if the original poster included clarifying texts with their images.  I imagine they don't include them because they think everyone is as familiar with the details as they are.

    I don't know how much flexibility there is in the software CC is using.  If possible, a good solution would be to allow comments along with the image posting, but just include an icon to show that there are comments which you can view by clicking it.  Sort of the way Facebook handles comments on their mobile app.

  5. The other thing that I find annoying is when responders choose to quote a previous post and choose to include the images from that post.  Quoting at least part of the text from the original post is useful to provide context for your reply, but why include what is often many pictures which are duplicates of what's immediately above?

    Will the new no comment rule eliminate duplicate pictures?

  6. Anybody play it?  If so, do you have any tips for someone that loves to play but gets pissed off on the real aggressive levels? 

    I've gotten pretty good at it.  Lessons are an important starting point.  Several years ago a guy who calls himself Dr-Sudoko offered a few free lessons to lure you into buying his advanced stuff.  I found the free stuff was enough for me.  He comes up in a google search, but no link to free lessons.

    Here are two sites that offer lessons: http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/sudoku/sudoku_tips.shtml http://www.sudokuprofessor.com/sq1/?gclid=CIbX97jE98kCFcsXHwodyGEKuw  The first seems kind of basic as far as I read, but see if that helps you.  The second requires what seems to be free registration but I didn't register.

    A very good free playing program is at http://www.enjoysudoku.com/webplay/  It has some tutorials that I haven't looked at, but its help feature is very important.  It shows you what the next correct entry is AND explains why.

    If you get hooked, you'll burn a lot of hours.

  7. Looking into getting a couple Chromebooks with Chrome OS for my grandkids...  anyone have an opinion on Chromebooks?  Chrome OS? 

    Good or bad or whatever, just looking for opinions and comments to help make a buy, or not buy, decision. 



    I have one in my bedroom which I use to check my mail and review my regular websites.  It's fine for that and a very light device to travel with when you want to be able to do the same.

    My oldest grandchild has a Macbook Air.  All the others, down to a 3 1/2 year old, have tablets which they use mainly to download and play apps and to access kid-friendly websites.  While they are increasing, there are comparatively few apps available for Chromebooks.  If your grandkids are like mine, they would not be happy with a Chromebook.

  8. It is my opinion that the couples get paid extra if they sleep in front of the free cameras. What other reason could there be since several couples choose to not sleep in their bedrooms every night?

    I've wondered about that.  Is the only TV in the apartment in the living room?  If so, that could be a reason for them to go to bed there.

  9. without sounding discriminatory not once i looked into that apartment...not interested in fat people :BS:

    I cringe every time I read a post making negative comments about a participant's body.  I think about them reading this and the affect it must have on their self-esteem.  I guess I'm just an old softy.

    Just kidding, of course, but maybe we should have a rule that before you can comment on someone's fitness, you must post a picture of yourself where you prove your resemblance to Adonis.

  10. I'm impressed with how up-to-date the equipment is in these apartments.  I first started traveling in Europe in the 1960's and their kitchens were far behind North American standards. Now, if you just looked at the equipment you would have trouble knowing where (in the western world) you were.

    For some context, this discusses the Nixon-Khrushchev debate where Khrushchev would not believe that the model was a typical American kitchen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_Debate

    As a side note, my wife was actually at that exhibit --- yes, we are that old.

  11. The browsers mentioned by other members are all good, but they can have problems depending on your device.  Here is a link that talks about them:  https://www.androidpit.com/how-to-install-flash-player-on-android

    I installed the puffin browser which the link says has a later version of flash than Flashfox.  I opened the kitchen cam in both where Mario was at the sink with his back to the camera.  In full screen, I couldn't see any difference.

    I exited full screen and zoomed in on the Calvin Klein label on Mario's briefs and Firefox was definitely clearer.  At this point, I'm sticking with Flashfox.

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