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Everything posted by bhai123

  1. these 2 are no fun as alan and edda. now nina and manager would be interesting
  2. other 2 are in the bedroom
  3. now the other 2 are getting into the shower
  4. hope there will be a 4some since joe is here and serena is out
  5. alan is lucky nina is blowing him and edda and serena are rubbing his cock
  6. and they have locked serena and alan out
  7. now nina is sucking eddas pussy
  8. edda gave alan hand job in the shower and alan fingered and kissed edda . serena peeped and told nina so some embarrassment for alan .hoping we will get to see manager and nina making out .
  9. ok where u from? donzi is the best guy to explain in detail, in brief she tried hooking up with a random guy in the party yesterday in front of everyone. now she is crying and hugging him and he is not saying a word, look like this is the end for this couple.
  10. hey donzi can you send me the storyline very much interested to know . i agree with you her attitude towards sasha is different then her lover. i want to see the bathroom episode. thanks in advance.
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