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Everything posted by chogdad

  1. There seems to be this thing recently that they only leave 'officially', no sooner has someone left that they reappear as a guest. They all must still live round the corner.
  2. Well, his dick is out and he's in their bed, so how can anyone have sympathy for those girls? It was much easier for all this NOT to have happened. They are totally to blame. It's all a show. This IS Barcelona, remember. This sort of thing is meant to happen there.
  3. I was thinking that, they both left but haven't got to B1, maybe gone to hers?
  4. They all know exactly what they're doing. This could have ended an hour ago, so whatever happens if it does, all are to blame. It's a typical Villa 'party' night.
  5. They could have left him in the kitchen, or the LR, it may be their room but they have allowed this, they knew what he's like, come on. This is THEIR doing, he needs no encouragement.
  6. Whatever happens, these girls have had every chance to walk away but didn't, so they've chosen this attention. Extra cam views and Brownie points as tenants.
  7. Yes but she has had every opportunity to go, she has instead stayed. Especially the last 10 minutes, she is either interested or at least loving his attention.
  8. She could leave if she wanted, but is toying with him. Giving him more reason to push.
  9. Mock 'argument' in kitchen, mentioned something about on camera. Like how they are perceived, or similar. EDIT Sorry this was in B4 party.
  11. BACK!!!!!!!!!! SAME APARTMENT, BUT SOME NEW CAMERA POSITIONS. That makes three different camera set ups since this apt opened, when Carina and Sabrina had it, the living room cams where on the opposite side.
  12. And we know how well and healthy including Elvis was for all concerned! He's still in the vicinity i believe.
  13. Depending on who the guest is, Masha does speak English to some and is quiet good too.
  14. They have had some play in the past, bating next to each other plus Roxy did make out with another girl who used to visit until recently. It may happen again but you never know. Masha has actually been, for her, very quiet recently. There have been some wild nights in her place.
  15. Just friends, although with Masha, being 'Friends' with her - Either male or female - Can and sometimes does result in sexual activity. Masha's apartment does have a reputation for this over the years. It's a crazy place but never dull! Masha was actually in a relationship with Sasha, they were together a long time and then their mutual friend Dasha moved in. Few months later, Sasha and Dasha became a couple, he left Masha and they now live in another apt on RLC.
  16. For once they should give him a chav name like Baz or Wes 😆
  17. And i'm sure if you did visit B4 you very well end up with an itchy dick..... RLC if they are feeling lazy can just backspace the last 5 letters of Vladeilla and give it to him, as in Vladimir. That wouldn't cause any confusion would it!
  18. For me, they have no interest, a quite dull couple who yes may fuck like duracell rabbits but that's all.
  19. Yes, the only one we've seen is Geeky girl, who again ironically, showed everything the first time on cam! But even so, one bedroom can only mean it will be Elli and Insert Name.
  20. The biggest clue for me was the single bedroom. Why 2 girls - One of which now has a full time boyfriend - Would move to a bigger apartment yet one that only had one bed, that didn't make any sense. Didn't even have a sofabed. They didn't spend a single night in the same bed in this new place. I'm sure the 'decision' for Vlad to have the bedroom and Elli to have the floor was a part of the rift too, although that actually gave them more freedom of movement ironically.
  21. Looks like my theory was close if not spot on - That the move was originally for Elli and the guy, Vlad was going somewhere else. Something went wrong, she suddenly had nowhere to go and had to stay with Elli, spoiling the new move and causing a rift between them. Plus, any action was from Elli, nothing from Vlad, like she didn't have to do anything.
  22. Maybe 'He' is one of the modern 'I love anything' and if you don't get the fact that a normal man can have Gay tattooed on him, then you're just a bigot who should know what the correct pronouns to use in his/her/their company. I think his pronouns should be 'Why/WhatIsThat?'
  23. There has to be a good reason why he chose to have 'Gay' tattooed across his chest, if he's straight, maybe the word means something else in Russian 😄
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